The Empress

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Name: Cecelia Stone
Nicknames:Celia, Ce-ce, Empress, Mother
Preferred names: Celia by her husband, Empress by her subjects
Age: Two years younger than her husband
Race: Half-elf
Personality: Cecelia is a noble Queen very suited to her position, however she will not tolerate any disrespect to her kingdom or family. She can loose her temper and be very fierce, often snapping at servants and sometimes even diplomats.
Weaknesses: She does not get along well with other royals as she is overly suspicious and thus even more likely to snap at them and damage diplomatic relations. She also is not as physically strong as a full elf, meaning she can not handle their heavy blades.
Talents: She is very knowledgeable on tactical uses of technology in war as her father was an elf who manufactured machines of war, offering the emperor her hand in marriage in return for his machines. She also enjoys archery.
Powers: She posseses the all speak of elves, so can speak all languages and understand animals but not talk to them.
Physical description: Looks human save for her slightly pointed ears and elven doe eyes, she has very dark brown hair that reaches low on her back and her eyes are Hazel, looking almost gold. She is of medium height with a thin build.
Reference photo: see above

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