The confrontation

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Was the loud, emotional cry as a figure started to approach it's target. A small boy, around 16 years old stood there, catching his breath. He had clearly been running for a while now, looking for the other person who had their back to him, facing a wall. On the wall was a button. A simple, but deadly button. The figure ahead was an older man, with brown fluffly hair that messily sat under a grey beanie. His hands slowly raised up towards the roof of the small enclosed box, as he turned to face the teenager behind him. The look of pain in the young boy's eyes made him frown, but he kept his hands up nonetheless. The child stood his ground, as the muffled background noise of a speech came to it's end.

"Wilbur, step away from the button. Now," the boy stated, identifying the brunette man as Wilbur Soot; former President of L'manberg, "You know this is wrong! What the hell are you doing?! Tubbo's stuck up there man! You can't do it now!"

Wilbur shook his head, lowering it to look at the floor. "He said the line, Tommy. I'm going to press it."

"Not if I can help it!" The child, now identified as TommyInnit, screamed in response as he pointed his sword at the other, tears slowly welling up in his eyes. He didn't want to do this, Wilbur was his friend. His President. And Tommy was his vice, his right hand man...yet here they were, the clock on their time to make a decision ticking.

Jschlatt had discovered that Tubbo had been a traitor to Manburg, secretly spying to help Wilbur and Tommy take down the tyranny that was Jschlatt's reign. The plan was to have Tubbo say the final line in his speech, the one that would give Wilbur the heads up to blow up all of Manburg 'And let the festival begin'. Tubbo would make a break for it and Wilbur would hit the button, and they'd all watch it go down in flames. All they had built, everything. Of course this wasn't exactly their plan, which was obvious from Tommy's protesting to it. It was Wilbur's idea, one he was very proud of...strangely. 

"Tommy....Tommy lower the sword." Wilbur asked, which was responded to by a quick and snappy "No.". Fed up with this by now, Wilbur shook his head and put his hands on the sword, slowly lowering it as Tommy trembled, terrified that he would press the button. "Tommy, this is why you're never going to be President. You rely too much on emotions, instead of what's right for the current situation. I've already told you this, it needs to happen Tommy. It's the only way to stop him! I know you know this, Tommy, so don't stop me." The man ruffled a hand through his fluffy hair as he spoke, not taking his eyes of the child infront of him, who had tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Please...." Tommy started, after a moment of silence was shared between them, his voice cracking ever so slightly, "Don't do it,'s not worth it..." His trailed off words ended in a quiet sob, and the child put away his sword and just stared at his President. Waiting, for something, anything to happen that would make him step away from the button which was merely a couple yards behind him.

And suddenly, a tune was being sung. A soft hun to begin with, which turned into a familiar set of lyrics; coming from Wilbur Soot himself.

"I heard there was a special place...where men could go and emancipate...the brutality, and the tyranny of their rulers," He began, keeping himself in the correct pitch as he lowered his head slightly, the memories hitting both men like a ton of bricks, "Well, this place is real you needn't fret...with Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, fuck Eret. It's a very big, and not blown up L'manberg..."

"My L'manberg, my L'manberg, my L' L'manberg~" Silence, between the two once more as they processed everything. By now, both men had been crying, the muffled sound of the yelling going on outside getting louder, and louder. And suddenly, Wilbur began to laugh. Tommy looked up instantly, a look of confusion on his face. "Wilbur...?"

"I'm sorry, Tommy." Were his words, and before anyone could process what he meant he turned and slammed down on the button...


The sound echoed around, followed by the screaming from outside. Tommy stood there, shell shocked, as Wilbur grabbed his hand and dragged him out the room moments later laughing to himself excitedly. They headed up the hill, and Wilbur stopped just ontop of it. They could see it all, all of the chaos. The podium was blown into pieces, the remaining areas on fire. Everything was aflame, their towers torn down and the buildings alight. People were running, trying to escape the scene. There was blood everywhere, people having to be carried away, and spectators who were lucky enough to be far enough away from impact watching in pure horror not knowing how to help their friends. They had did it; they had overthrown Schlatt once and for all. As Wilbur laughed at the gruesome sight, there was only one thing Tommy said before running into the mess, ignoring his President's calls for him to come back;


What comes next?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon