A Tale of Two Ghosts (Narry AU)

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"Figures we'd pick the absolute worst time to call it a night," Harry grumbles. It's raining, cats, dogs, maybe even a few guinea pigs, he's never seen it this bad. A crackle of lightening flashes across the sky, illuminating the river that once was the studio's car park.

"S'either make a run for it or stay here all night," Harry mutters as he and Ryan huddle under the awning to avoid the rain.

"I'm running, night H. Enjoy your holiday."

They worked late, leaving only some final editing for Ryan to complete while Harry takes some well-deserved time off next week. Coming out to this is the last thing they expected. With a loud whoop, Ryan runs for his car and Harry follows, dashing through the puddles to reach his old mini. Sodden curls hang limply across his forehead as he rummages around for a towel. Of course he picked this week to clean out all the detritus that's collected in it for ages. Now he's cold and wet with not even a stray drive-thru napkin to wipe the water out of his eyes.

"Fuck," he says and pulls the hem of his t-shirt up to his face, soaking up the worst of the rain in the damp cotton fabric. He flicks on the wipers, watching his engineer pull onto the street and spray water everywhere when he drives through a puddle . Shivering, he flips on the seat warmer, waiting for the heat to toast his bum. He's about to put the car in gear when his phone rings.


"Jack," he says warily. If his boss is calling this late, it can't be good news.

"You still at the studio?"

"Just leaving."

"Great, I need a favor. VIP recording, very high profile. I need the best."

"No," Harry's response is automatic. The heater in the old car finally begins to churn out some warm air and he rubs his hands together in front of the vent.

"C'mon Harry, this is the chance of a lifetime."

"No. You promised me a holiday."

"We both know you're just going to your mum's. You'll sit in her garden and read all week. This is a golden opportunity, H. You really want me to pass it to Christian?" Harry's boss pauses, letting the thought that he might offer an important job to Harry's biggest rival sink in. "I mean, if you think he can do it better."

"Fuck you, Jack, you know he's a pretentious twat." Harry hears Jack's deep rumbling laugh and he sighs. Jack has him and he knows it.

"This'll be the easiest work you'll have all year and I'll give you an extra week off."

"An extra week?" Harry's tone is skeptical. "Both Ryan and me? Paid?" If he's offering extra paid leave there must be a catch.

Jack hedges, "Alright, paid. C'mon, H, I need you."

"Give," Harry presses, putting the car in gear and easing to the exit. Before merging into traffic, he pushes the button on the steering wheel several times to turn down the volume. When Jack speaks again, his nasal voice comes through the speakers at a more tolerable level.

"Am I on speaker?"

"Course you are, I'm drivin."

"Fine, listen, it's a charity gig," Jack begins to explain.

"Charity? Fuck's sake, Jack, you mean we're not getting paid for this?"

"An extra week of paid vacation, remember?"

"In addition to our usual salary, right?"

"C'mon H, it's charity."

"We've made you a lot of money, you can well afford to pay us." Harry says as he looks in his rearview mirror to see if he can change lanes.

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