Chapter 6: Landon

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 I sat in my room, alone. I debated if I should call her. I thought about her, a lot. But how could I not? She was my refuge. I could go to her whenever I needed and she'd be there. Not anymore. she's gone now, and it's tearing me apart limb by limb. I couldn't handle this-this sort of life. All of our encounters, our memories, ran through my head. Like a movie projector. But there was one in particular I was fond of. One memory that meant the most to me. I was at the cabin with her, alone. 

I sat on the couch upright, while she laid down with her head resting on my lap. She was watching some kind of dumb chick-flick on the T.V. But I didn't care, I wanted her to be happy. I touched her hair. It looked like tiny strands of butterscotch. It was so soft. Then I paused for a moment. Then I bent over a bit and kissed her on the forehead. She turned around and laughed a little. "What was that for?" She asked."Nothing." I said, regretting I did it. "Well then this was for nothing too." She sat up and kissed me on the forehead. She ran her fingers through my hair, it felt really good, but because it was her touching me.

I was mesmerized, she was a beauty. She took my hand and pulled me outside. "What are you doing I said laughing. When we were finally outside, she said "you'll see." It was night. The stars glimmered beautifully above us. We stood by the lake I stared into her eyes. The moon danced over her face. She smiled, got to be one of the best sights I've ever seen, and I'm not talking about the view. "What?" I asked, even though her smile was beautiful, I was confused as to why she was. Before I could even say anything else, she pushed me in the lake.

When I resurfaced I could barely catch my breath before she jumped in too. I must have swallowed a gallon of water, Our clothes were both soaked in water. "Why'd you do that?" I asked. "No reason, I just want to have fun, you can be really solemn sometimes." She replied. She was right, but I guess that's because I'm always stuck in my head. "Yeah, I guess." I said. I held my nose and went under as if I were a diver. I loved to swim. I stayed under for what must have been hours but was only minutes. When I came back up she wasn't there she must have been, under too because she resurfaced the same time I did. We were smiling, but they quickly faded. She ran her warm fingers up my spine. 

I kissed her, it was one of my favorite things. She tasted like sweet, pink, bubblegum. I kissed her again. She cupped the back of my neck with her fingers. She kissed me back, again and again, like a number pattern, like some kind of broken record. I could call her mine, I thought.  I wished I would have enjoyed that memory more. I arose out of my daydream when I heard the door fling open and slam against the wall. I guess my dad is home. "Why is this house a mess!" He yelled, at my mother. "W-well I...if you-you-" She stuttered looking for an explanation. "It's my fault." I said, walking toward him. It really wasn't but I knew my mom was getting too fragile to be beat. So from now on everything will be my fault. "Your fault?!?" He asked. "Are you deaf? I said it was my fault." I repeated, rudely."Landon! Stop this non-sense!" He said running towards me with a beer bottle in his hand. And before I knew it I was on the floor, and he was kicking me and punching me. Beer bottle glass was everywhere. I was bleeding too. I gave up I didn't resist and I let him do this. 

I faded in and out of consciousness, my vision was blurry and I wanted to throw up. Then everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2020 ⏰

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