Chapter 1

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I am just getting so sick of all of these stories of this place that are "never spoken of".Like what the hell? Once I asked my mum what the stories were really about and she ended up yelling at me.

I walked into the cafe, where my two best friends, Vanessa and Ryan and I always meet up before school. Hearing that familiar bell ring as I walk in, and getting that woof of coffee and freshly baked goods. The pale lime green tattered walls I have learnt to love, the crashing of the pans and beeping of ovens from food being cooked just to the perfect crunch. Old fashioned tiles line the floor making it look like a 1970 diner in the high school movies. I feel a new determination streaming through my blood to get to the bottom of this damn "never talk" thing, I take a deep breath to calm the raging war inside of me.

"GUY" gets yelled from across the room. I opened my eyes to see Ryan waving at me to come over. I cruise over, and hum along with the song that you could hear blaring over the chatter. As I slipped into our regular booth with the bright red leather hitting my back I lean forward and rest my elbows on the battered white table top and face Ryan.

" Hey what's up, how's it been?" I say a bit too loud so I could be heard over the chatter. You see, Ryan Hendrix and I have been friends since diapers. He looks like one of those classic jocks you read about in books with the shaggy blonde hair and the bright blue eyes that would make the girls swoon and the guys jealous. But to be honest, he is nothing like that at all.

"Ah I would say it's been pretty good man, been here and there, a little bit of this and that. What about you?"

"Honesty I have been frustrate......."

"Good morning you not so gentlemen '' a low pitched voice comes from beside us and that, my friends, is my other best friend in the whole world, Vanessia Cooper, one of the most outgoing people you will ever meet but is a bookworm at heart.

Once we see it's Vinny we crack up laughing.

"Hey, Vinny, how have you been?" I say while still chuckling under my breath.

"Been pretty good, Guy. How have you been, any gossip I missed out on?!"

"Nope" dragging the "p" out and popping it.

"It's been pretty quiet. Anyway there is something I have been meaning to talk to you guys about"

They both lean closer to me, asking me to carry on.

"You guys know the legend of the town right? The one with all the monsters and the thing that we should never repeat or speak of." I say just above a hushed whisper. I get weird looks from both of them. I can tell they are wondering where I am going with this, but they slowly nod together.

"Well, I was thinking of going to the library to see what it really is, and where it is, 'cause I wanna check it out and see what the whole fuss is about."

Looks of horror cross their faces as if I had just told them that I murdered someone. They look at each other then back at me.

"What on earth is going on in that head of yours?"

"Did you hit your head or something? Are you out of your mind!"

They both spoke at the same time and in the same tone, as if they were scolding a child!

"Hang on, let me tell you my reasoning behind why, okay - before you both try and slit my throat"

Still looking disappointed and horrified at the same time, they nod, urging me to go on.

"Well, while you two have been off on vacation and having fun, I have been researching about the legend of the forbidden tree and the road that leads to nowhere. To see if anything links up with the story everyone is so afraid of speaking of. 'Cause I don't know if it has just been me but I am getting sick of this whole secrecy thing '' I say. I sat down at the table lost in thought.

I look up and see them really thinking about it. They seem to be catching on. They both look at each other and nod, then look at me.

"Okay, Guy, I see where you are going with this. We want to help but where would we start?" Ryan says in a strong voice but his eyes fill with fear. Vinny still looks deep in thought, as if she made the right decision but shakes it off and looks back at me with determination and nods.

"Oh, you just leave that to me I know exactly where to start" I say

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