The Little Boy and the Forest Animals

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a long time ago live a little boy who loved to play in the woods he would laugh and sing along to the bird's songs and the squirrels jumping from tree to tree. One day when he went out into the woods he noticed the birds stop singing and the squirrels stopped jumping and realized they were waiting for him! He ran to where the birds and squirrels were waiting and the birds flew a crown made out of lilacs and tulips of all sorts of colors....

When the birds placed the crown on his head the squirrels started to jump through the trees and the birds started to sing making the little boy laugh and start to sing and dance along with them until it started to get dark. The little boy said farewell to his friends and started to head home when he came face to face with a wolf but this was no ordinary would oh this was the alpha wolf. The little boy trembled in fear only to realize the alpha wolf was friendly and started to lick the little boy's face as a greeting. The alpha gestured for the little boy to climb on its back and the boy listened and off he and the alpha go to the little boy's home....

When the little boy got home he was welcomed in the house by his mother who thanked the wolf for getting her little baby home safely. When the little boy sat down at the dinner table he was greeted by the smells of his favorite food Mac and cheese! The little boy was so happy he thanked his mother for making his favorite food and she kissed his head. When the little boy was done eating he went up to his bedroom to change into his bedtime clothes. His mother came up the stairs and gave him a bedtime kiss on the forehead and read him a story as she tucked him into bed...

When the little boy woke up the next day he was so excited to meet all of his animal friends again so he quickly got dressed and headed downstairs to eat breakfast before heading out to see his friends. When he got to the clearing he saw the alpha there with his bird and squirrel friends waiting for him! He got super happy and started to dance as the squirrels start to jump from tree to tree and sing as the wolf howled and the birds chirped...

Soon a big bad fox came and startled everyone the big bad fox said"I rule these woods and there shall be no dancing or singing Here!" The wolf growled and said "who put you in charge Fox" the little boy was so scared of the fox he hide behind a tree hoping the fox didn't see him "I don't need someone to put me in charge!!" The fox snapped at the wolf...

and the rest if for you to decide how it will end when you tell this tale...

One Ending That Could Happen:
 the wolf stood his ground and got the bad fox to talk about why he thought he was in charge of the land and soon the wolf using his words of kindness and understanding befriended the fox and they all lived happily ever after

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2020 ⏰

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