Love in a hopeless place

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It was a lovely night on their planet. Everything was calm and peaceful for once. Sollux was laying on his back under a tree, with his matesprit, Karkat. They looked perfect, not bickering, just love, you could almost see the animated hearts above their head. It was beautiful.

Karkat looked at peace in the others arms, since the game was over he didn't have to worry about being culled for his blood, him and his grub wouldn't have to worry.

They had everything planned out, when the time came they would go to Kanaya and she would help Karkat through it all. She was one of the few who actually believed in them. It felt nice to have somebody there to trust.

"SOLLUX?" Karkat asked as he looked up to face the other troll.

"Ye2, kk?" Sollux replied.

"DO YOU THINK WE'RE REALLY NOT READY FOR THIS, OUR GRUB?" Karkat asked sitting on his knees looking nervous.

"Kk, what are you talkiing about?" Sollux asked as he sat up, pulling Karkat into his lap.

"I DONT KNOW. WE'RE THE YOUNGEST OUT OF EVERYBODY. AND KANKRI WAS LECTURING ME ABOUT SAFE PAILING THE OTHER DAY. AND IM JUST REALLY SCARED." Karkat said as he tucked his head under Sollux's chin. He felt hands under his thighs as he was pulled closer to the other, so that they were chest to chest.

"Kk, calm down, Ii don't need you stre22ed out. We'll be fiine and don't lii2ten to kankrii 2o much. He doe2n't know what he'2 talkiing about." Sollux said as he kissed Karkat on the month.

They layed like that for a while, until it started to hurt Karkat. Karkat rolled over with the help of Sollux.

"SOLLUX?" Karkat whispered, he couldnt relax enough to fall asleep.

"Ye2, kk?" Sollux replied, moving his head to look at Karkat better.

"WHAT ARE GONNA NAME THE GRUBS? WHEN THEY COME WE HAVE TO BE READY." Karkat sat up with his legs crossed and Sollux got up with him with a surprised face at the question.

"What do you mean by grub2, ii thought iit wa2 only one."


"Kk, why diidn't you tell me? ii'm not mad at you iif that'2 what you thiink."

"I KNOW YOU DON'T. BUT SERIOUSLY, THINK OF NAMES. NOW, PLEASE?" Katkat begged, giving Solluxhis best barkbeast eyes.
You all have been waiting for this chapter for awhile now and I need to put this up. So I hope you enjoy!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2015 ⏰

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