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Author's Note: This was especially hard to write. XD Not because of the angst (I lovvvee angst.. And also happy endings, lol) but due to the fact that S3 was mostly a blur for me save for some episodes.


"I want her to choose me," Lucifer tells Linda, finally admitting to his feelings towards the Detective.

"Then, you know what you have to do."

He leaves with haste that night with renewed determination to fix things but was met with a scene so dire, he was devastated beyond relief.

There Pierce was on bended knee proposing to Chloe and Lucifer was hoping she would turn him down - she barely knew him for crying out loud - but then she accepted and he felt his life had ended right then and there.


Maze set up a boring party but Charlotte and Ella weren't having it and had other plans. Some bickering later and the bus they rented left without the other three, leaving Chloe on her lonesome with the bus driver.

"You okay in there, hon?"

"You can see me?"

"I see a lot of things from this bus. Looks like something's eating at you." The bus driver continues and Chloe goes all out to speak her mind.

"Everyone's wondering why I said yes, and you know I'm wondering the same thing myself. I don't know, maybe the thought of marrying a safe, steady guy would somehow change me into a different person. And that maybe this new, spontaneous me would somehow inspire the person that I still am. Hey, are you married?"

"Seventeen years. He's my everything. Hopefully, your guy is, too."

The Detective shakes her head and has tears in her eyes as she tries to take it all in. She still has time to make it right, because Pierce is definitely not her everything.

And she was going to do the right thing but she backs out at the last minute and doesn't cancel the wedding.


Chloe Decker shows up in the precinct like always the next morning, all smiles as if she didn't come to a realization the night before, or that she didn't follow her instinct and sticks by her decision to marry the Lieutenant. She's lost in thoughts, twirling that ring around her finger when Lucifer showed up.

"Ah Detective, good. You're back."

"I am, yeah."

"Excellent, because... well there are a few things I need to say. Well, I've actually learned something for once. I am sorry that I wasn't a good partner,"

"Lucifer, what...?"

"Please, let me finish. I go off on my own most of the time, with no thought of protocol or danger, and that I'm not someone you can rely on. I understand it now, why you chose him." He almost chokes on the last phrase. "As long as you're happy, Detective. You are, happy, correct?"

It takes her a second to answer, "Y-yes, I am." She bobs her head, trying to convince the consultant, trying to convince herself that this is what she should do.

"Good. Oh and one more thing, I hope you wouldn't mind if I won't be present during your nuptials with the Lieutenant."

"Not at all. You have other plans for that day?" She's not sure why she's even asking even though she got a glimpse of how Lucifer felt about Marcus.

So Much For That Happy Endingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें