Chapter Five

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Should have give you all my hours when I had the chance


I stared at the plain white ceiling, wide awake. How could've I have been so stupid?
I sat up straight and grabbed my phone. I know she's probably sleeping but I...I just need to hear her voice. "Hey! It's Laura! Sorry I couldn't pick up. Leave a message and I'll call you back! Love you!" Her voice was full of joy and quirkiness. I smiled, but that quickly faltered as I opened my mouth to speak. "H-Hey, Laura. It''s um...Ross. But you probably knew that. So um, I was wondering if....if you wanted to hang out later? I mean, later in the day. Not at 3 in the morning. So yeah, call me back." I ended the call and let out a big sigh.
Hey Ross! It's Laura!" She had called me. "Oh hey! What's up?" I replied. "You want to hang out today?" Laura chirped. "Oh...uh....sorry Laur, I can't." I answered. "Oh, well okay. I'll just ask Raini. Maybe next time." She suggested. "Yeah, totally." And with that we hung up.
But there was never a next time. Every time she called, I'd always turn her down. Half of the time, I made excuses because I didn't feel like hanging out. Sure I felt guilty about it, but I figured she wouldn't mind. She's Laura after all.
Turned out that the guilt built up inside me and now....I can't stop thinking about her. I just want to hang out with her. I miss her. She probably hates me right now.

I got a text! It's from Laura! I quickly opened it up. *Hey! I got your call. Really? 3AM?!* I laughed to myself. *anyways, I can't hang out for a while. Pretty busy. Sorry. -Laura x*

Okay. Now I know what it feels like. Dammit.

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