Another Dollar Another Day

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He remembered the faces, the tears trying not to escape saddened eyes. He remembered the half hearted waves, the promises to keep in touch, to not lose each other. He remembered the pain of his family when he left, but their joy as well.

Then that swirled out of his view.

He remembered walking into school on the first day. He had sat down first period. He remembered meeting someone. They said “Hey, I’m-” but then that memory spun out of his grasp.

He remembered starting to slack off, not really caring as much about his life. He remembered being dragged closer and closer to the popular circle, and not doing anything about it. He didn’t know if he wanted to. He remembered being unsure, being pressured to enjoy himself.

He remembered breaking his promises.

Then that swirled away from him too, only to be replaced with more taunts from his memory.

He remembered starting to talk to his friends. He remembered getting better. Then he plunged back down through darkness, and after a few seconds light cleared his vision.

He was careless. He remembered pranks. He remembered getting into a lot of trouble and doubting if it was worth it.

“Hey, Harry,” with a twirl of perfectly styled hair, a wink of a heavily makeuped eye, and a flirty smirk on lip stick smothered lips. Yeah, he remembered a lot of that.

Then that melted into an image of his mother scolding him.

But that disappeared, leaving him with just black. Then that darkness rippled into his best friends’ faces, warning him, then him arguing with them, telling them to ‘f*ck off’. Oh, he remembered. That didn’t go so well.

Everything faded into a blur of parties, drinks, and memories zoomed around making him dizzy. When he thought he was going to faint, they cleared into a park. A cigarette in his hand. He brought it to his lips.


I woke with a start, bathed in a cold sweat.


She was walking to the front steps of the school, wondering about where this year might take her. This girl was self conscious. She didn’t want to be known as ‘the famous directors daughter’, like she had been all those years before.

She had wandered and fled from school to school to school, hoping for a change. This year she was determined. She was not going to let her father and her luxurious life define her.

This was a new school, a new start, a new life. She wasn’t going to let anything take that away from her.

Then that quickly faded into her second period class. This classroom was the best, she knew that almost immediately.

Instead of chairs, there were beanbags, hammocks, hanging chairs, and a swinging couch. There were two huge wooden bookshelves on opposite sides of the room. There were no windows, but three chandeliers and a couple of lamps here and there made up for that easily. By the door, there was a phone box shaped cabinet, with shelves that stored pencils, pens, paper, tape, staplers, and a whole bunch of tools for everyone to use. Taped to the cabinet door was a sheet where you ‘checked out’ each item.

In one corner was the teacher’s desk area. Well, you couldn’t call it a ‘desk area’, because there wasn’t really a desk.. There was a small round table for one on one student/teacher work. There was also a white comfy chair with an attached small white laptop platform thing, and beside that was a stand with two wooden shelves on it for papers, a lamp, pictures, a few books, and everything else an english teacher needs.

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