Kuro Dokutoku + Baioretto Ion Bio's

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Kuro DokuToku is a Male Nightcore artist and one of the Main protagonist's of this series.


Kuro is a pale skinned male with black hair and purple eyes. he likes to wear a black hoodie, a white t-shirt with the nightcore logo on it, black pants, white socks and black shoes. He also has wireless headphones around his neck, a messenger bag to carry the records he collected and other things and carry's his guitar behind his back with the straps.

then in his music forms, he changes colours: blue and indigo for DJ Subatomic Supernova(DJ, DISCO), neon violet and purple for Sayu and Hatsune Miku(Digital, Cutecore), Lime and Black for DK West(Rapper), cream and yellow for Yinu(Neoclassical), Orange and Grey for 1010(Boyband, Funky), silver and red for Eve(Diva, Psydub),yellow and lime for Bunk Bed juntion(Rock, Indie), purple and Indigo for MiatriSs and SayMaxWell(remix) and Grey and Silver for Testu Panku(Metal, Punk)

then in his music forms, he changes colours: blue and indigo for DJ Subatomic Supernova(DJ, DISCO), neon violet and purple for Sayu and Hatsune Miku(Digital, Cutecore), Lime and Black for DK West(Rapper), cream and yellow for Yinu(Neoclassical), O...

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Kuro is a easy inspired music artist then it comes to new music. he can be very creative when Nightcoring music. then meeting his favourite artist from NSR, he becomes quiet and shy. but when he turns into other music forms, he turns into different emotions:

DJ form makes him cool as ice

Digital makes him very giddy as Sayu

Neoclassical makes him very calm

everyone else's are not identified yet.

Personal info

Age: 21

Afficiation: Any Band from NSR, Nightcore

Occupation: Guitarist, Nightcoreist

Genre: Nightcore, Anyone from NSR

Instrument/weapon: Nightcore's staff(guitar)

Specie: Human

Gender: Male

Relatives: Baioretto Ion(Sister)


Baioretto Ion: she is Kuro's sister. she see's him as the best Nightcoreist in the world. she is a good help when he's doing music.

Mayday: they are best friends in the music world(especally rock)

Zuke: they are best friends.

Eve(Nadia) : both were best friends until she got pushy with him.

Sayu: Kuro is Sayu's big fan, but realising she's his biggest fan.

DJ Subatomic Supernova: they are good friends when Kuro helped him regain his concert.

Yinu: nothing about their relationship yet.

1010: nothing about their relationship yet.

DK West: Kuto thinks he's cool.

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