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"Well..." "Well what?" "I was thinking we could break into the school?" "YASSSS!!!!" "Okay, you down?" he asked. "Oh I'm down!"

*At the school*

We got to the school and tagged all the lockers. We wrote things like

'Fuck school'
'Party hard'

And a bunch of other shit.

*next day*

I woke up to the sound of my alarm. Ugh, another day of hell. I got out of bed and got dressed. I decided on a white tank top saying


And some ripped denim booty shorts. I straightened my hair and put on some eyeliner with light mascara. I went downstairs to once again see my mom passed out on the couch. I took the bottle of vodka out of her hand and replaced it with a TV remote so my sister would think she fell asleep to the TV. I clicked the power button and the TV turned on. My little sister walked down the stairs and I packed her lunch for her. We didn't have a lot of food or money so I was just skipping.

*After school*

I heard my phone go off in my pocket. I checked it and it was Carter.

*messages between them*

C: hey sexy😏
H: lol hey
C: you wanna come to a party tonight?? It starts at 8 and you can bring a friend if you want
H: ummm sure! I don't have to ask my mom cuz she's probably out partying getting drunk and getting screwed by some random guy anyways
C: okay! See you then😏
C: and I'm sorry bout your mom
H: it's cool.. I'm used to it😬
H: see you then
C: okay sexy 😏

*end of convo*

I turned off my phone and then I felt two hands cover my eyes. "Guess who?" "Hmmmm.. Hayes?" "Damnit!" He said jokingly. "How'd you know?" "I have my ways," "haha," he said sarcastically. "Anyways, you wanna come to a party tonight?" I asked. "Yeah sure, what time?" "It starts at 8, you can come over till then, Danica's gonna be at a friends house," "okay,"


I walked into the party, Hayes by my side, seeing probably around 30 people already drunk. Carter walks up to me and hands me a drink. I chug it down in a few seconds. I need to get things off my mind.

*10 cups later*

I can't find Hayes. Oh well haha. I walked up to Carter grabbing his waist.

Carter's POV••

I see Hannah walking towards me. She grabs my waist and starts grinding on me. She must be drunk. Oh well. I'm lovin it. I started to get a boner and I guess she felt it so she grabbed my hand saying,"lead me to your room daddy," I did as I was told and showed her to my room. I pinned her against a wall gently kissing her neck. She tugs on my shirt and I take it off. She runs her hands across my six pack giggling. I take off her shirt for her and unbuckle her bra. I pick her up and put her the bed. I pull down her booty shorts then take off her panties with my teeth. She spreads her legs open and I start to gently lick her.

Hannah's POV••

He sticks his tongue inside of me and I moan out of pleasure. He starts to suck on my clit making me moan even louder. I hear faint steps outside of the door. Carter and I didn't think much about it until the door actually opened revealing a pissed off Hayes. I quickly pull the covers over me as Hayes gets closer to Carter. "What the fuck!?" Carter said. "No, I'm that one who should be saying what the fuck!!" Before Carter could say another word Hayes swung at Carter punching him in the nose. Next thing you know, they are in a full on fist fight. I quickly get dressed yelling for them to stop. People start coming in the bedroom trying to get them away from each other. Eventually a few of the other guys there get them off of each other. By then I am less "wasted" but I still couldn't understand why it was such a big deal. "Hayes, why is this such a big deal?" "Because.." "Hayes I was drunk!" "I know!" "Then why is it such a big deal?" "BECAUSE I LOVE YOU HANNAH!! OKAY??"

Sorry I haven't updated on a REALLLLLYYYYY long time😅

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