Chapter One: The Ban

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          Kalvin woke up in a cold sweat, dazed and confused over what had just happened. He reached over to his side, searching for his phone. He picked it up carefully, wincing at the bright light stinging his teary eyes. The time was there, 3:29 AM. Of course. He'd been waking up at around this time for weeks now, and it's gotten to the point where he sees no reason to set his alarm for four hours later. The nightmares are an alarm of their own, and they've been getting worse now. Technically he wasn't sure whether or not they were nightmares at all, since he has no memory of them whatsoever. All he knows is that they wake him up in a panic, and his racing heart is unable to calm down for hours afterward. There wasn't even any known reason as to why he's having these dreams, which is what's getting on his nerves the most. Bone's been worried sick about him, saying that it's probably the stress and he should take some time off to relax. He's been practically begging his boyfriend to take a break with him, to get away to some remote forest, he says it will "calm his nerves". Kalvin's been refusing to listen, and just recently has had to start ignoring Bone's many messages. The truth is, he does know why he's being haunted by nightmares, and it definitely isn't because of stress. 

          Just recently, he'd been banned from going to any of Cavetown's concerts. Forever. He says it doesn't bother him, that Cavetown's fanbase was made up of trenders that make being trans an aesthetic. In all honesty though, it's been eating him up inside. He'll never tell anybody since it really is his worst secret, but he's loved Robbie's music for years. Songs like Boys will be Bugs and This is Home have been on his playlist for as long as he can remember, and it aches that he'll never really be able to fully experience them. He'd just cleared all of the songs a few days ago, but the overwhelming want in his heart led to them being added back shortly after. He knows that there's more to his aching than missing the music, but he can't bring himself to accept it. He knows Robbie hates him, and if he admits his true feelings Bone will have to leave him too. These emotions are tearing him apart, but he'd rather let himself suffer than have to watch the ones around him get hurt as well. For now, his- his feelings are going to have to stay hidden. Eventually they'll have to fade away, right?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2020 ⏰

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