Chapter One: Skipping class together

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It's been about a month after Sadie's suspension. In the morning shortly after she arrived at school, she snuck her way into the empty Faculty room. Though Class E is it's own campus, the main campus still holds records of the Class E students. She looked through the files and found Karma's schedule. Sadie was wondering what period Karma had gym. Since he was transferred to E Class, Sadie was missing out on seeing him. Though it wouldn't really matter since he doesn't even know she exists.

Hmm. Sixth period, huh? Sadie thought to herself reading his schedule. She lost her focus when she heard talking from down the hall. Sadie quickly dashed out the door as two teachers entered through the other side. She sighed with relief as she made her way to her first period. Sadie giggles and mumbled to herself

"That was awesome! I think Karma might be a bad influence on me." After lunch, Sadie snuck out of the main building and made her way to the E Class building. The walk was taking longer than she anticipated. Once she got part way through the trails, Sadie felt like she was being followed. She slowed her pace to hear behind her. There was nothing. Maybe I'm overreacting As soon as she thought this, someone appeared behind her.

"Now what's a main campus student doing up here?" Sadie turned around to see Karma smirking at her. "Gah! Karma?!" She jumped back. "No other! But what's a student like you doing up here? You know if you were caught up here, you wouldn't hear the end of it from the principal. Heck, you'd probably get transferred here!" Karma explained. "I-I!" Sadie's face turned bright red as she stuttered. "I won't beat around the bush..." She started. "I snuck into the faculty room and looked at your new schedule... I snuck up here to watch you while you were in gym..." Sadie explained. "Well," Karma sighed. "Unfortunately, I'm skipping this period just like you. Maybe if you stay and answer my questions, I won't say anything to any of my classmates about this." "What's your questions?" "How long have you been watching me for?" He got in real close to her face. "Since first year... After you were the first person to speak to me... It was my first day in public school in Japan... After that I followed you around because I was too scared to talk to you again."

"How much do you know about me?" "I only followed you around school! It's not like I know where you live or your home life!" Sadie was flustered. "I do know part of your route home, but that's only because I take the same route!" Sadie explained.

"Okay, you can calm down." Karma chuckled. "Just keep telling me what you know." "Well... I heard what Ono-Sensei said about always being on your side, I thought that was nice. I also witnessed the fight you got into with the valedictorian, I personally think he should've saw it coming... When you got called to the faculty room, I asked to use the restroom and followed... When you got suspended, I was just as angry as you were... Part way through your suspension, I went and had a talk with him. I told him that you just made a mistake and only should've been given a warning. Ono-Sensei wasn't happy and suspended me as well, but only for a few days. He also gave me a warning if I did it again I'd be sent here as well..."

"Well you're gonna get sent here once you get caught. There's no doubt about it. But I'm sure you'd like that, being stuck in Class E with me." Karma gave a flirty smirk. Sadie gave him a 😑 look though she was blushing. "I did notice you were friends with Shiota Nagisa back in second year, but you drifted apart... I thought you two were great friends.."

"Oh don't worry, since we're in E Class, I'm friends with him again." As Sadie continued to go on and on about what she knew about Karma, he just watched and listened with a smile. He like the idea of a girl being interested in him. Karma was getting the hint that she had a crush on him, but there could have been another reason she was interested in spying on him.

"Well," Karma said looking at the clock on his phone. "you'd best be getting down the mountain before you miss your next class." "You're right. Well, I'll see you tomorrow if I get caught." Sadie winked before she left. "Remember!" Karma called out to her. "This never happened!" "Hai, hai!"Sadie called out as she continued to the main campus.

Kensaku slammed his hands on his desk "Are you serious?! You skipped class and went up the mountain when it's clearly against school rules?!" He was furious. "That's it! You are hear-by removed from Drama club and are transferred to E Class! You start there tomorrow!"

"Oh, no..!" Sadie mocked. Hehe, I did it! Sadie thought as she left the faculty room. As she made her way off school property, she saw Karma, Nagisa and another male student making their way off the trail from the mountain. Her and Karma made eye contact and she just gave him a hinting wink and continued to the train station. Karma sighed to himself and thought She got caught and she's owning it like I would He smirked as he watched her walk off.

"What's this Karma?" Nagisa nudged him. "You seem oddly fixated on that girl over there. Something going on that we didn't know about?"

"Yeah, Karma! Spill it!" Sugino insisted. "Ha, no! I wasn't looking at her, I was just spacing out." Karma brushed it off his shoulders. "Oh come on! I saw her wink at you and you smiled back at her! There's nothing you can hide." Nagisa laughed. "Alright fine! You caught me! I'll call you later and tell you about it." Karma waved goodbye to Nagisa and Sugino as he went on his way home.

My Little Fangirl (SaKarma/ Sadie X Karma)Where stories live. Discover now