1- Namjin

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Seokjin's outfit

Seokjin's outfit

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Namjoon had advanced only a few steps into the grandiose hall when he was greeted by the host of the party. The men smiled and shook each other's hands, the shorter of the two giving a small courtesy bow.

"Mr. Kim", the host straightened up, "It's a pleasure to see you this evening."

"Have we ever missed any of your parties, Mr. Lee?" Namjoon smiled with an edge, his professional tone mixed with something bitter. It prompted the host to look beside the taller man where Seokjin was patiently waiting for a greeting.

"Ah, Seokjin-shi", he greeted with a bewildered tone, as if he hadn't expected the other man to still be hanging off of Namjoon's arm, "Thank you for gracing our party with your presence."

Seokjin's plum lips curved up in a small smirk, "The pleasure is all mine."

Namjoon smiled tightly and made small conversation with the host before they were escorted inside. Seokjin was handed a glass of fine champagne as soon as he sat down.

"Thank you", he smiled at his husband who sipped at his own glass, "Though I think it's pretty early for drinks, isn't it?"

"I hate it when they just ignore you", Namjoo gritted out as his answer, "as if you haven't been by my side for half a decade."

Seokjin giggled softly, eyes sweeping over the crowd of men and women watching him with astonishment and awe, "People are just surprised that you haven't replaced your trophy husband yet."

"You're not a thing to be replaced", Namjoon frowned, nursing his glass. Nimble fingers softly gripped his thighs with intent, nails digging in his silk pants.

"Not for you, no", Seokjin turned towards his husband with a bright smile, ears perked up to all the murmurs around them, "But for them? Just a pretty showpiece to be put on display and then discard away when I lose my shine."

As much as Namjoon hated to admit, he knew Seokjin was telling the bitter truth. Every high-class man and woman in this party had a different partner hanging off their arms than last year.

"Now, my dear husband", Seokjin leaned closer to Namjoon's ear, aware of the stares at his sensual form, "we're here for work. So don't be a whiny baby."

From his peripheral, Seokjin noticed the slight stirring in Namjoon's pants. He took pity and moved his mouth away but not before giving a hard squeeze to the thick thigh. The taller man swallowed his drink in one go, willing his body to relax. It was hard with Seokjin's warm length plastered to his side, the wicked smile smirk directed to him.

"I should go and talk to the other bankers", Namjoon cleared his throat and put down his glass. Seokjin shifted in his seat delicately, smoothing his hands down the non-existent creases of his husband's shirt.

Trophy Husband ✅ (JinxRap Line) | By DewWhere stories live. Discover now