Chapter 18

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I woke and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I stood and walked to my dresser. I looked at the small necklace sitting there. I wore it everyday. I grabbed a hair tie and walked out the door.

I grabbed a peach from the bowl in the kitchen.

"Morning Beth!" Maggie said cheerily. "Daryl wants to talk to you. He's outside."

"Yeah that's great..." I said as I took a huge bite of my peach. I walked out the door to go see if anyone needs help. I'm caught in my own thoughts when I ran into someone.

"Well hello there pretty lady!"


"And what are you up to?"

"Nothing..." I try to walk away, but he grabs me by the shoulder and pins me to the wall. "What the hell!" He tries to lean in and kiss me, but I push him away. "Get off of-"

"Ah ah ah!" He holds his gun in my face. I'm stuck, and I know what he's doing. He tries to kiss me again. I lean away, trying to avoid the inevitable. "You're so pretty..." His breath smells like shit. He starts to unbutton my shirt. I try to wiggle away, but he holds me in place.

"I'm going to fucking kill you..."

"I'd like to see you try..." He kisses my neck. I try to scream, but he muffles it. "I still have this gun remember?" He laughs. I'm stuck.


I wait by the barn, hoping she'll come, even though she won't. I sigh and start walking back when I hear Beth. AND MY BROTHER!!!? I run over and immediately see what he's doing.

"You bastard!" I scream. I pull him off of her and she drops to the ground, crying. All of my anger builds up. I take his gun and aim it for his head. He laughs.

"You'd never..."

"What makes you think I wouldn't!? I'll kill you right here if a have to you asshole!" Finally, Rick comes over and pulls Merle away. I turn to Beth.

"B-Beth..." The second I speak, she wraps her arms around me and buries her face in my chest. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean any of that..."

"I-I know..."

"So you forgive me?" She looks up at me and smiles.

"What are we gonna do about Merle..."

"I'll take care of him..." I say between gritted teeth. She nods and wipes her eyes. "C'mon, let's go." I help her stand. We walk into the house where Carl greets us.

"Can you read to me!?" She smiles and sits on the couch.

After a long time of reading, Carl goes off to bed, and so does Beth. She greets me in the hallway.

"Goodnight, Daryl." She kisses me on the cheek and walks off.

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