I Don't Know- Part One

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I Don't Know- Matt Murdock Little-space
Prompt: After Matt and Frank finish a particularly grueling battle, Matt enters headspace and Frank has to take care of him until Foggy can pick him up.
Setting: Dark alley where old woman is getting robbed by an ex military drug addict. Midnight. Three hours away from Foggy's house.
Characters: Matt Murdock, Frank Castle, and Foggy Nelson.

I Don't Know
Part 1

        It has been a long night for Matt Murdock and Frank Castle, and it is about to get longer. Matt alerts Frank that he has heard a very strong male attacking an older woman for her purse. He requests Frank's help because he can smell drugs on the man from six blocks away.
        "You have ears on him?" Frank whispers from the other side of the roof they are now standing on.
        "Yeah, he's in the alley right below us." Matt whisper shouts in the hopes that Frank could actually hear him. Frank nods and Matt hears him jump down the fire escape quietly and swiftly.
        Matt stands on the roof an extra few seconds. Tonight has been stressful and usually that isn't a problem but he is feeling scarily little. He hasn't been able to regress while on such a tight schedule of lawyering and combating criminals.
        "You coming down or what?" Frank frowns. "He's about to kill this chic!"
        "I'm coming. I just needed a second." Matt snaps.
        "Well get it together, we don't have a second!" Frank growls back.
        The last thing Matt needs is Frank raising his voice at him. It was going to give away their positions and upset Matt even more. Matt is concerned that if he gets any more stressed he'll end up regressing. At this point Matt just wants Foggy and his blanky... blanket, he reminds himself.
        "Grab him and I'll jump down to get the woman away from the situation. When I get her to safety I'll come back to help with the druggie." Frankie nods his consent. Frank, not Frankie!
        Matt is getting scared. Regressing was not on his list of things to do while fighting a druggie with Frank fucking Castle. He just gets very... well, foggy when he's little. Don't get him wrong, he could still "see" and function but he was a lot more like the average, clumsy blind person if he didn't concentrate.
        "I'm gonna get you out of here, ma'am. Everything will be alright. When you get home find Nelson and Murdock, they're two good lawyer friends of mine. They will help you if you want to press charges." Matt soothes while trying to remember when he got on the ground. He must be moving on autopilot because the last thing he remembers was standing on the roof wishing he was at home with Foggy.
        "Little help here!" Frank shouts while he struggles to keep the criminal in a headlock.
        "Right. Sorry!" Matt bumps into the wall of the alley in his rush.
        "Did you hit your head or something?" Matt thinks Frank frowns, maybe even hopes he frowned because that would mean he actually cares about Matt's response.
        "Not now!" Matt snarls because he hates to hope at vulnerable moments.
        He's struggling to keep up with the fight but Frank is doing most of the heavy lifting anyway. Matt steps away from the man when Frank charges towards him, allowing Frank the final punch.
        "What the fuck is your issue Red? I've never seen you so sloppy in my life!" Frank shouts.
        With fleeting adrenaline and an already fragile psyche Frank's raised voice breaks him. Tears stream down Matt's face while he is still trying to find a proper response for Frank.
        "Whoa there, man. Did you really get hurt?" Frank lowers his voice. Seeing someone smaller and more fragile than him crying instantly brings out his past father instincts. He makes himself more Matt's height, softens his voice, and slows his movements. "Come on, let's sit you down."
        "I'm sorry!" Matt sobs,"I just want to go home!"
        "It's ok, no need to apologize. We'll get you home but you need to calm down first." Frank kneels in from of Matt and wipes the tears that escaped his mask. Frank doesn't understand why but he feels protective over Matt, as if Matt was somehow younger or more fragile.
        "My phone, call Foggy. He'll come." Matt mumbles out half sentences.
        "Ok. I can do that." Frank takes the offered phone and finds Foggy's contact.

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