I Do Now

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Characters: Matt Murdock and Foggy Nelson- college years

I Do Now
I Don't Know- Part Two

Years Earlier
        "Matty? You better be in bed resting when I get in there!" Foggy Nelson says sternly while he struggles to open his dorm door with all of his notes under one arm and a phone between his shoulder and ear.
        Silence. That's an unfamiliar sound to Foggy. Actually, he is quite concerned about it.
        "Matty?" Foggy whispers with the hopes that Matt actually fell asleep. He hangs up his phone and tip toes forward.
        Sobbing, quiet tears. Foggy barely hears such silent sounds. He has never heard a softer cry.
        Turning to his right and officially entering the room Foggy spots a tiny figure curled in the corner. He gently puts a hand on said person's shoulder and is shocked when sightless eyes fill his vision.
        "Foggy?" Matthew Murdock croaks at his best friend and dorm mate. "I don't feel well." He sniffles.
        "I know you don't, that's why you are supposed to be resting in bed. Why are you on the floor? Are you alright 'cause you're kinda bawling your eyes out if you hadn't noticed."
        Matt reaches up and wipes his tears eyes. "I hadn't noticed." Matt notes, startled.
        "Let's get you in bed, kid. You look exhausted!" Foggy helps Matt tuck in to bed.
        Growls. Frustrated growls. That's all that comes out of Matt's mouth from his side of the shared dorm room.
        "What's up, Matty?" Foggy questions calmly from his spot on his bed.
        "Nothing!" Matt yelps with crimson cheeks.
        "Come on, man. I could cook an egg on your face right now. What's really wrong. I'm not gonna judge you or anything." Foggy explains in his softest voice.
        "I... wet the bed," Matt mumbles, "And the sheets are sticking to me."
        "Oh, ok. Go take a shower, I'll strip the bed and get a janitor. Don't worry, I'll tell them we spilled the lemonade we weren't supposed to have in our room all over the bed." Foggy winks, " I just winked at you by the way."
        "I couldn't ask you to deal with my mess for me Foggy, let me handle this." Grumbling, Matt shucks the sheets off of his damp legs.
        "I wasn't asking permission." Foggy states firmly. "Go take a shower while I take care of this, that's an order, my friend."
        "Ok." Matt shyly mutters and does what he is told, surprising Foggy who was waiting for a fight.
        After his shower, Matt find his bed dry and remade though he could still faintly smell urine if he used his heightened senses. Tears fill his idle eyes as he stands in the middle of the room, basking in the scent of his shame.
        "It's alright, Matty. You're not feeling well, it happens." Foggy runs his hand up and down Matt's arm and leads him back to bed.
        "No, it's not ok. It's not ok because I didn't pee myself because of a stupid cold." Matt cries into his best friend's soft hair, letting his scent comfort him to his breaking point.
        "What do you mean?" Foggy asks in a caring tone.
        "I regressed." Matt mumbles quietly.
        There's that silence again. This time it's tense with unnecessary guilt. Matt sneezing suddenly breaks the silence.
        "Sorry, I didn't mean to sneeze on you. Your hair went up my nose." Matt murmurs and nuzzles back into said bothersome hair.
        "It's alright, it wasn't on purpose." Foggy takes a moment to think. "Do you mean regress as in being a little, like the kid we did our research papers on in sociology?"
        "Yeah, like that." Matt's muffled voice whispers.
        "Makes sense then. You did great on that project." Foggy hopes to lighten the mood with his compliment but the air is still thick with Matt's unneeded fright. "I don't care if you're a freaking frog, Murdock, you're always gonna be my best friend."
        Reassurance. Much needed and boldly stated. Matt's shoulders slump with unspoken relief. Foggy's chest loosens with his friend's soft sigh.
        "Next time you regress just tell me. I'll help in any way I can." Foggy promises.
        "Can I regress now." Shyly, Matt makes unknown eye contact with Foggy.
        "Of course. Want to come cuddle in my bed and watch The Little Mermaid?" Foggy asks quietly and stands in front of Matt
        "Mhm!" Matt nods enthusiastically with raised grabby hands.
        "You're lucky your a cute little avocado." Foggy chuckles and picks up his petite friend. Matt wraps his legs around Foggy's waist and nuzzles his collarbone.
        "I need to... um... change into a pull up first." Blushing, Matt tugs on Foggy's shirt collar awkwardly.
        "Ok. Holler if you need me." Foggy puts Matt down in front of the bathroom. Matt nods, pink cheeked, and closes the door.
        "Foggy." Matt whines, embarrassed. "I can't get my sweats back on, I'm stuck in the leg hole."
        "Alright, I'm opening the door." Foggy tries not to chuckle as he helps Matt get his left leg in the left leg hole instead of both legs being jammed into the same hole. Foggy takes a moment to take Matt's thumb out of his mouth, much to his displeasure. "That's gross. I don't even want to know where your hands have been."
        "Ugh, fine. I won't suck anymore. Cuddles now?" Matt cocks his head, arms raised.
        "Yes. Now it's cuddle time." Foggy chuckles and lays them both down to watch the movie on his laptop.
        Matt falls asleep within five minutes with his finger contently in between his plump lips, much to Foggy's aggravation. Foggy is soon to follow with the comforting knowledge that his best friend is safe and sound on his chest, snoring lightly, even if he would rather Matt's thumb to be out of his mouth.
        "Fog. Foggy. Fogster!" Matt shakes Foggy as hard as he can but Foggy continues to snore. "Nelson! Wake up now before I pee on you!" Matt growls and tries to get out of Foggy's iron hold.
        "Hold it, I'm comfy." Foggy mumbles and holds Matt tighter.
        "No! Let me go to the damn bathroom, asshole!" Matt snarls and pushes on Foggy's chest.
        "Fine." Foggy let's Matt go suddenly and Matt promptly falls on the floor before getting up and rushing to the bathroom. "Jesus, how much did you drink!" Foggy startles awake to the sound of Matt peeing through the gaping doorway of the bathroom.
        "Shut up. Next time I say I need to pee you better let me go." Matt snaps while he washes his hands.
        "Lesson learned. I'm sorry." Foggy chuckles and raises his hands. "I know you can't see it but my hands are held up in surrender."
        "Ugh, stop being funny! I'm trying to be upset with you" Matt groans and rubs at his eyes.
        "I'm sorry, Matt, but that's an impossible task. You can try if you want to, though. I'd love to hear how much success you gain." Foggy grins, sitting up on his bed with the blankets gathered at his chest, trying and failing to make up for Matt's lost body heat. "On a serious note. Do you want to talk about last night?"
        "What's there to say. If you understand and accept it then what's the need to discuss it?" Matt points out firmly but looks down self consciously.
        "Alright, fair enough. If you ever need to vent about anything I'm here. And, not to be toot my own horn, but I'm a pretty great cuddler." Foggy laughs and Matt snickers.
        "You're an okay cuddler. I wouldn't go as far as saying a great cuddler." Matt jokes.
        "Ouch. You hurt my feelings." Foggy fake frowns.
        "What? I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that." Matt rubs his thumb over his bottom lip in an unsure gesture.
        "I was only kidding! Stop worrying so much! It's no wonder you regress, you need to get out of that uptight brain for a little while."
        "That's fair." Matt smirks at the wall.
        "Hey. If you ever need help with that part of you I'll always be here, I promise." Foggy walks over to Matt and gently wraps his pinky around Matt's. "I promise."
        "I believe you." Matt smiles softly.
        Truth. Foggy had, for the most part, been telling the truth. If he is in any situation he can get out of he will if it means Matt feels safe. And that's all Matt needed.
The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2020 ⏰

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