Chapter 4 The flashback

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Velma and Ashely were walking down the trail,:Velma"im gonna go to the car to get a snack so ill be back love", :Ashely"okay ill just be here, oh hi there sir wait what are you doing wait no stop BAM", Velma walks up to Ashley's dead body, :Velma"ASHELY ASHLEY no no please wake up don't die please please", end of flashback continue story.:Cassie"umm Velma are you okay you just started to cry holding a picture of Ashely", :Velma"ohh it's nothing Cassie", puts picture down, :Velma"Cassie start ordering bombs and guns and find the employee who's gonna help me take lolbit down", :Cassie"sure thing hun", cassie then calls the bomb expert Scooby aka velma's dealer, :Scooby"yo what up my man wanna buy some drugs or bombs", :Cassie"Bombs please", :Scooby"yo are you velma's girlfriend or maid", :Cassie"oh umm girlfriend, how many bombs can i buy",:Scooby"about 867 for the price of 100 dollars, also I'll throw 9 bottles of vodka because of velma's family discount", :Cassie"okay then ill take it how much is it in no discount",:Scooby"about 69,000 dollars because of her friend and family discount its only 100 dollars so yeah", :Cassie"well i got to go so bye", hangs up, Velma then walks to Ashley's grave, :Velma"Ashely i cant belive you had to go, you were shot 3 times in the head by bit, my last words to you were i'll be back love i should have not left you there on the trail, i feel like its mostly my fault for leaving you there and going to get a snack, well im gonna go away and leave you your flower", :The ghost of Ashely"Velma you did the best you could do, you need to move on from me i wont always be here so just be better with Cassie and let her not be murdered, so good bye for now", Velma then walks back home.End of chapter 4.

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