Girls day out

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Layla Christopher now has blonde hair and grey eyes.

"Yeah, I'm dressing up I'll soon be there". I said to Kristen on the phone.

"Ok, hurry up. Bye". She said and cut the call.

Today is the day we are going out, which is Sunday.

They said we weren't doing anything extreme, just talking a walk on this garden they found and I can wear anything so I picked a caramel loose long sleeve dress, caramel and golden sandals with an MK purse and a wrist watch that was given to me on my 12th birthday, my hair flipped over my left shoulder and sun glasses.

Cloth at the top^^

"Mom, dad. I'm ready to go". I said and peeked inside their room.

"Oh Layla, you're mum's busy so I'm dropping you off". Dad said while stepping out of his room.

"Okie dok". I said and skipped downstairs.

"Bye Laura, bye David, bye Destiny and BYE-BYE Jaden". I said and slammed the door after dad left.

I entered the car and checked if everything I needed were in my purse and they were.

"So how is school". Dad said.

"Fine, I'm doing well in my studies. Not flunking any subject". I said and smiled to myself.

"So who are you going to meet?". Dad asked again.

"Oh, um. Just some friends". I said.

"Who are these friends?".

"They're from school dad and don't worry. They're all girls". I said and smiled again.

"Ok. Well, this is the address you gave me so we're here, and call me if you need anything or if you're ready to go home.

I kissed his cheek and came out of the car while I watched him drive away.

I called Kristen to know where they were and she picked up.

"Um, Kristen where exactly are you guys?". I asked her while looking around.

"You're at the entrance gate right?". She asked me.

"Yeah". I said while removing a strand of hair from my face.

"Ok, do you see that white gate that they wrote Floral Garden?". She asked.

I nodded.

Wait...nodded. I'mma real idiot.

"Yeah I see it". I replied.

"Alright just go there and enter. Once you enter, you'll see us". She said.

"Ok, thanks. Bye". I said and cut the call.

I walked to the gate and entered the garden.

I saw them standing in front of the gate and I ran up to them.

"Hey guys". I said and hugged them.

"Hey Layla". Melody said.

"So you finally came". Lisa said.

"Alright so we're going to walk around the garden first and exhaust ourselves by doing all sorts of things and then we eat". Kristen said and looked into all of our eyes.

"Alright then, Floral Garden here we come!". I said and jumped in the air.

"Last one to those bunch of orange and white flowers that look extremely beautiful buys a drink for everyone". Lisa said and everyone started running.

I passed Melody and Kristen bit I was on the same line with her and she pushed me.


I said and stood up.

"Lisa, what the hell?!, Why would you do that!". Kristen shouted at her and helped me dust my body.

"Yeah Lisa, that was so mean". Melody said and glared at her.

"I'm sorry Layla". She said while biting her nails.

"No, no, it's ok". I said and smiled.

"Alright, now let's go like civilized people". Kristen said and looped her hand in mine.


Today has been fun so far, except from when Lisa pushed me of course.

The garden is very beautiful, it has a lot of nice flowers and colourful butterflies.

I am wowed.

We finished the picnic but I got to say it was kind of boring so we decided to have a sleep over after the exams.

"Earth to Layla?". Melody said while waving her hand Infront of my face.

"Hmm, yeah?". I answered and looked up to see they were all looking at me.

"We said, who are you crushing on?".

"Oh, uh...I don't know. I don't really think about stuff like that". I said and shook my head.

"Ok but if you were to choose someone to kiss or they'll kill someone close to you, who will you kiss?". Lisa asked.

"Um let see...maybe...Nate, or...a girl". I said and they all looked at me in shock.

"You like Nate?!". They all screamed.

"No I don't, don't assume things". I said and laughed a little.

But do I like him?. I mean, I never really thought of it that much.

Maybe I do.

"Alright, what about you guys?". I asked them.

"Who do you like Lisa?". I asked and smirked at her.

"Um, n-no one". She said, looked down and blushed a little.

"Oh she definitely like someone". Kristen said and smirked at her.

"Come on tell us". Melody and I whined.

"Alright fine, maybe I've developed am intsy bitsy tiny crush for, um, for...Nate". She finally said and sighed.

Oh no she didn't.

Oh yes she did.

We all gasped and Melody and Kristen excitedly squealed while I stared at her in shock.

"What?!...that's crazy. Coincidence am I right?". I chuckled nervously and nudged her arm.

"Hmm, yeah". She said.

"Alright let's clean up". Kristen said while looking like she just gave a big speech.

"Why do you look so proud of yourself?" I asked and laughed a little.

"It's because I'm about to watch a cat and dog fight over a toy". She said then looked at me and Lisa and laughed evilly.


When it all clicked we all started laughing together while people that passed looked at us weirdly.


No need to thank me but you are all welcome for this new chapter I just updated. I also know that you all want to shower me with compliments right now.

I can just imagine most people rolling their eyes or saying something sarcastic or looking at what I wrote weirdly.

And I feel so honoured, really.

But buh-bye🤭

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