Chocolate Chip Cookies

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*Rae, Alexis, Mariah, And Alex are at home and decide to make some cookies for now!*

Rae: Hey guys! Wanna do something fun!~
Alex: like what? There's nothing fun to do here•
Mariah: Oh, Sure there is!.. But, Continue, Rae.
Alexis: I already know what Rae is gonna say. And I agree with her.
Rae: good!'Cause what I'm going to say is; how about we make some chocolate chip cookies?~•
Alexis: Knew it! And I agree! We have all of the ingredients we need to make chocolate chip cookies!
Mariah: not all of them. We don't have Good Chocolate chips.
Alex: That's fine, I can just go to my house and bring some!
Alexis & Rae: Great!
Mariah: Alright then! Hurry back, so we can make these cookies.
Alex: Okay.. don't start without me!

*Alex, leaves the chat.*
Alexis: Hehe.. should we start, Rae?
Mariah: I'm ready. I can't wait to make them so I can smell them and eat them~
Rae: Hmmmm... Nah. We should wait for Alex. But, if he takes long,  we can get started with the easy stuff.
Alexis & Mariah: Okay!

*Alex, is back in the chat.*
Alex: Okay, I'm back with the chocolate chips. Sorry I took so long..
Rae: your fine! I'm just ready to make and bake them!
Mariah: same! Lemme go get out the baking  supplies.
Alexis: I'll go with Mariah and help her.
Rae: Alright. I'll take out the cookie mix.
Alex: wait, wait, wait. Who said we were using cookies from the store?
Alexis: Ahh!
Mariah: yes, Alex. Guys, we're not using cookie mix from the store. We.. are making our own cookies! Homemade.
Rae: Yay!~ that's even better!•~
Alex: Yep! It's more fun, too. Wanna start?
Rae: YES. Mimi, did 'Ya get the supplies?
Mariah: well, duh. Can't bake without them!
Rae: cool! Let's go!
Alexis: So.... I don't really have a history in baking. I'm better at cooking food. What ingredients do we need?
Mariah: Ha! Me and Rae can handle that. Me and her have been baking cookies for a long time!
Rae: yep~ first of all, turn on the oven to 375°F degrees. Then, I'll start with the ingredients.
Alex: already did that, of course!~
Rae: Oh! Good, so, we'll need flour of course, Cocoa, At least 2 eggs, baking soda, and a little bit of salt.
Mariah: wow...  Well, we're all set then. Minus the Cocoa, and salt. I'll go get it.
Alexis: No, No..! Let me get it! I'll be back.
Rae: nooo! Let me get it!
Alex: we can do it together!
Rae: I was.. planning that•~

*Alex and Rae, have left the chat.*
Mariah: Totally ship them.
Alexis: I know right!.. but we're off topic~ Wanna work together?
Mariah: Gladly.

*Mariah and Alexis, have left the chat to work on the cookies.*


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A couple of hours later...


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