Off the Record

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Jessica took the chance to interview Meredith Solano instantaneously, even if it had to be off the record.

Finishing up, Jessie prepares to leave when Meredith insists her to stay over for dinner.

Hesitantly but she slowly agrees, not wanting to give up an opportunity to know more about Meredith.

"Is it fine if I ask you one more question?" Jessie asks, hoping to satiate her curiosity. "During the interview you told me that you developed your writing through years of close experience. Could you please elaborate it? The curiosity is killing me," she continues after she sees Meredith nod in reply.

Meredith laughs boisterously, "Yeah, curiosity will definitely get you killed. What I meant was that I read books and research a lot related to what I write. You know to understand people's mindset, behaviours and so on. Then I go on to experiment with what kind of situations would bring more chills to the readers, if I write about it."

Jessie nods, content with her answer. Although she doesn't realise the hidden truth behind her words.

Walking back from the washroom, a shrill creaky sound grabs Jessica's attention. Her curiosity perks, going towards it.

A chill goes through her, engulfing her with fear when she sees a room full of pictures of girls with the author. Their names carved and crossed out below them.

Dread fills her, seeing a picture of a girl she once knew. The journalist who had gone missing without a trace. The next picture almost takes the life out of her, an uncrossed name below it denoting her own.

Suddenly she felt as though someone was suffocating her. A sliver of sweat slips down the side of her face. Panic clouding her mind.

One thought swirls in her mind and she does exactly that, turning around to run towards the door, only to be stopped.

"Oh my gosh," Jessie shrieks when she sees her holding a gun. "Why?" Jessie croaks out through her tears.

"It's pretty simple actually, you're just one of my experiments and later an adventure," Meredith says creepily. "Also a revenge, you journalists destroyed my family. Now you are going to disappear like the others."

"I-" Jessie starts only to be cut off.

"I hate people like you. Trying to get into other's lives all the time, having no sense of privacy, twisting all the words and destroying a person's life."

"Y-you hate girls." Jessie stutters out.

Meredith chuckles, "Correction my dear, girl journalists. The reason to which you might find in my next book." She gasps fakely, "Oh wait, you won't be able to read it." Meredith laughs menacingly. "I can already tell it's going to be a bestseller, all thanks to you."

Jessie whimpers at the next words, knowing that no one will look for her and that she will not only be murdered cruelly but also that she will not get any justice.

"The mystery shall remain a mystery forever." Jessie hears before silence takes over.

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