In the Den of Witches

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Ren's eyes struggled to open, still feeling as if he was spinning. It was dark all around him, but the smell of the jungle from before was now gone.

He was laid flat on his back on some sort of cot. His entire body felt sore and heavy.

His hand automatically drifted to his belt slowly, where he normally latched his saber, but it's absence was evident upon his inspection.

His brow furrowed, clenching his jaw as he realized he was indeed relieved of his weapon without his consent. His blurred vision began to return to normal as he sat up, groaning at every aching movement.

This place seemed familiar. Like he had been here before. The old stone surroundings were dusty, but still fine and polished.

Old symbols embellished the walls and columns in the room, along with tapestries and sconces. Symbols he remembered from his training long ago were carved into the walls like ornate scripture; Ancient, holy script of the Jedi Order that was long thought forgotten.

After a few moments, he stood to his feet, still feeling heaviness in his limbs. He took notice of how his cowl had been removed and placed beneath his head like a pillow.

He powered through his pain, approaching a nearby balcony that opened from the room he was kept.

An endless jungle spread out beyond this place. Towering trees with draping vines and moss stood tall, surrounded by giant flowers and other plants in vibrant colors like he hadn't seen before.

He stood for a time, taking in the view as his strength slowly returned to him.

He stilled his anger what he could. He did not wish to be a prisoner, but however much as he didn't like it, he was bested by those beings in the jungle. If he wasn't careful, he could end up dead.

Suddenly, Ren felt a pull in the Force, but not like the one he had followed here. This was warm, and all too familiar. Sounds drowned and muted around him, feeling a presence drawing near.

He let out a deep breath as the sounds around him returned, feeling that he was no longer alone in this room.

He turned his head to see the scavenger girl, Rey, standing near the cot where he had just been. She was looking about the room, her eyes bounding to the tapestries and symbols.

Ren turned to fully face her, observing her. She met his eye line with reluctance, her expression turning cold at the sight of him.

She was now clad in what looked like a white training tunic, tattered and beaten from practice.

"Training, I see." he finally said, breaking the silence between them.

She ticked her head, "Yes. I have been. And you interrupted it." she answered curtly.

He set his lips in a hard line, staring at her angry, darting eyes. He searched his feelings and knew exactly who was training her.

His heart dropped at the realization. He swallowed hard, trying not to show his true emotions.

"I can see your surroundings now," Rey said plainly, her eyes searching the runes on the walls, "...can you see mine?" she asked.

Ren took a brief moment to look past her, but he saw only the room he was in.

He shook his head, "No."

They suddenly caught each other's glance and it seemed as though neither could break their hold. Ren stared coldly, his demeanor still looming dark and dangerous.

Rey sighed and suddenly broke their eye contact, looking past him to the jungle behind him.

"Where is this?" she asked, her eyes full of bright wonder.

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