7 days of hell

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You have been walking for 5 hours now And You haven't seen any demons, so you started to think that there were none, but just as you closed your eyes you heard something moving in the distance. you grabbed your sword and listened quietly. You tried to find out where or who it was. After a minute, just when you thought that it was your imagination, a demon jumped out of the bushes and ran  towards you. You acted quickly and chopped his head off. The demon collapsed, turned into ashes  and disappeared. After this you were sure that there were actual demons in the forest with you. you took a deep breath and continued walking, but this time you payed more attention to your surroundings.

{ Time skip: last day }

It's your last day there. You slayed more then 50 demons and you were tired but, had enough energy to slay more of them. After an hour of walking you heard someone scream so you ran the way that scream can from. When you got there you saw exact same red haired boy you saw before entering the forest. You hid behind a tree and started to observe him. The demon was giant. Just when you decided to help him he chopped his head off. You were amazed. His neck was thicker and harder then a full grown tree but he managed to chop it off. You watched him for five minutes and then left.

{ Time skip }

  When you got to the end you saw that boy. You were looking at him for a while but then you turned your head towards 2 girls that came out.

{ Time skip }

Everyone left, you were heading towards rengoku but also thinking about something. You wondered if you'd meet that boy again, or why did they make you pick rocks. How could metal used for swords be inside small rocks like those. When you got back rengoku was waiting for you. He smiled brightly when he saw you alive. You smiled back at him and ran towards him.
"Tomorrow is a big day. You are going to get your first mission but for now, you should rest"
He said as both of you walked inside.


rengoku x reader. [demon slayer.] ✅Where stories live. Discover now