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"Nūllum magnum ingenium sine mixtūrā dēmentiae fuit."

Dark World Society, the leading and most respected underground society in the world which was built and led by the most powerful families in their country. The Tahashi from Japan, the Credo from Spain, and the Andrius from America.

Their main goal is to build connections and be the most powerful among the other existing societies through their legal and illegal businesses. They are also accepting missions and projects from chosen persons who are willing to pay them billions for their service.

From their very first generation of leaders, they are now down to the fifth one.

Since then, they do not have any big competitors, not until the Miyahasi's came and declared a feud. The Miyahasi's started to go against the Dark World Society when the former fourth generation leader of DWS, Clementine Miyahasi, built her own group and started to fight the DWS. Now, they are starting to hunt for the fifth generation of leaders.



This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either product of the author's imagination or used in fictitious manners. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is pure coincidental.

This story may contain mature scenes, violence, adult language, and other scenes that are not suitable for young readers. If this story is not your cup of tea, feel free to remove it from your library.


No part of this book may be reproduced in any form and in any means without the consent of the author.



Saige Audrey Kayleigh Wilson's story

(book two)


Start date: August 03, 2020

Completed: September 04, 2020


NOTE: To further understand this story, the first book under the same series is required to read first.


All rights reserved 2022

DWS II: The QueenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon