Chapter One

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As I was writing in my journal,I look outside my window and saw the rain pouring down making the sky look gloomy and sad. I saw a faint rainbow in the distant and smiled a little and looked down. I slammed my journal shut and stuck it under a blanket neatly folded in my closet. If anyone found out that I had a diary,I'd probably shoot myself right then and there. I don't know why it's so embarrassing,but it is. I layed down in my bed and turned my tv on,seeing that it was the middle of a movie on fx. I flipped through the channels and then just gave up and left it on the movie. I'm not even sure what movie this is. My thoughts were interrupted when I heard my phone go off. I look down at my phone and see a message pop up from my friend, Somer.

Somer👹👺:you're coming over tonight right?

Me:um idk I guess

Somer👹👺:you guess?! YOU BETTER

Me:I'm kiddingggg,of course I am.

Somer👹👺:good because I'm having a couple people other people over and they're bringing friends so maybe we can hook you up with one of the guysss.

Me:I'm perfectly fine being single,thanks though!!

Somer👹👺:whateverr you say doll face. Make sure you're here at 8.

I set my phone down and pack my bag. I literally throw everything in it because I'm not sure what to even pack. I get out of the pajamas I've been wearing all day and change into some shorts and bralet(outfit above:swipe to second picture) and some white vans. I'm not trying to impress anybody so I just do my usual makeup routine which is mascara,a littttlleee bit of eyeliner and peach Chapstick. I grab a sweatshirt and throw it into my bag just in case I'm cold later. I leave my hair naturally wavy because I'm too lazy to straighten it and then I run downstairs.
"Where are you going all dolled up?" My aunt questions. She always puts a smile on my face.
"I'm going to Somers later so I just thought I'd throw this on. Does it look okay?" I ask.
"You always look good sweetheart. Don't let anyone ever tell you different." She says giving me a hug.
"Well I'm off to the store,will you be here when I get back in like an hour?" She asks. It's 7:30.
"Probably not." I respond.
"Okay well have fun,but not to much fun! Love you." She yells as she walks out of the door.
"Love you too!" I yell back. I'm so thankful for my aunt. I love her to death. I get up and go in the fridge and grab an apple and a water bottle. I go grab my bags,and go outside to see that it stopped raining. I put them in the passenger seat of my car,pull out of my drive way,and head to Somers house.

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