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It's been 2 week since I've last talked to jahseh which was when we had that argument I see him at school he's always with Taylor some people started talking shit about me but I could care less I started talking a lot more with stokeley

Me and jayla got really close to each other her and stokeley are still in the talking stage because she said she wanted to take things slow

Jahseh don't even talk to the group like that no more his always talking to Taylor I got back to babysitting Aiden cause I told Cleo everything that went down that day

Taylor cheats on jahseh , jahseh cheat on Taylor then they get back together again meanwhile Geneva been trying to get jahseh back cause she misses him

Right now I'm in my last period of the day I sit by jayla now because jahseh changed his seat to sit next to Taylor , I didn't even know Taylor went to this school

"Girl stop thinking about that boy you doing fine with out him" jayla said putting her arms around me I looked down on the deck and picked up my pencil and continued to do my work

I wish I had someone to love me and not just use me for my body that seem like that's all Florida guys want and like

"Okay guys that's the end of the lesson I hope you all practice for the test next week have good weekend you are dismissed" Ms.Oliver said to as she sat down on her deck

Just then the bell rang I take my notebook and my bag before walking out the class with jayla behind me as I'm walking I feel a lot of eyes on me I ignored it , it's nothing new I continued walking until I got outside the school

I hugged jayla bye and kissed her cheeks before walking naveen car i didn't wanna stay after school today , i entered the car and sat back I sigh as she begin to drive

"I know your ass not being sad over jahseh you better start acting like you got some sense" she said slapping my forehead I laughed and lay my head on the window and closed my eyes

I wanted to sleep but I couldn't

It's the weekends and I don't even know what I wanna do its almost Halloween and I'm going to spend it with elijah and naveen like I usually do

naveen was like 7 months right now , shes having a girl

"Come on jada get up its about to rain"I heard naveen said I got out the car and followed behind her

We finally got to the house she open the door and we went inside "it's cold as fuck in here" I said walking to my room

"You wanna eat snacks and watch Netflix" she say as she walked into my room "sure" i put on some grey shorts and a white t-shirt before going to the living room where she was waiting for me

I sat next to her as she put her legs on my legs I put a blanket over me and her as she put on All Americans , she loves that show

As we watching the movie I heard the front door open then I heard many different voices I turned around and continued watching the show

"Bae you home" elijah said "yea I'm in the living room" naveen replies

I just continued watching the show "HEY BITCH" I yelled as I got up and jumped in my brothers arms he laughed and hugged me back I got down and looked around

It was jahseh , stokeley , skylar , Isaiah and Ming finally jahseh is with out his little puppet

I went back to the couch and sat down "hey jay" I waved at her she smiled and came to sit by me I said hey to stokeley Isaiah and Ming and started talking to jayla

"Bitch your brothers girlfriend is fine as hell" she laughed I nodded my head agreeing with her cause London is for real fine I don't know how my ugly ass brother got her sexy ass

I felt eyes on me so I looked up only for my eyes to me met with jahseh eyes I quickly looked away and watched the show we were and started talking to jayla again

"Jada you single" Isaiah asked me "duh do you ever see me talking to some one besides you , stokes , Ming and sky" I asked rolling my eyes

"You forgot jah" stokeley said "who's that I don't know nobody with that name" I said looking around the room my brother and naveen burst out laughing cause they knew exactly what I was doing

i decided to go up to my room since i was getting sleepy

I lay down on my stomach on my bed and started playing games on my phone I then heard my room door open

Me thinking it's naveen or jayla so I just kept quiet and continue playing my game

"so you just not gonna talk to me for 2 weeks" I heard a voice behind me said i quickly turned around

Only to be faced with jahseh looking at me with his hands behind his back smiling at me

rewritten 2024

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