Chapter 4

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8:31 am

When Leah's mom realised that it started before Leah's surgery she thought could it be that Leah was possessed by that Elena girl but then Leah's mom thought to herself that Spirits, ghosts and of those sorts exist.

So Leah's mom phoned a physiatrist for an appointment for Leah

8:40 am

Leah's mom did take her for her appointment to get her checked to see what's wrong with her

At physiatrist Place~~

"Mom why are we here," said Leah confusingly
"It's nothing sweetheart we, but if the psychiatrist ask u questions answer
Truthfully, okay?" Vanessa said

"Okay" Leah answered

"Hello there you must be Mrs Venessa"
said Jake(Physiatrist)

"Hi yes I made a appointment for my daughter earlier" Said Vannesa

"Oh yes I remember to come on in," said Jake

Jake: "Ok so listen I'm going to ask you some questions but you must answer honestly"

Leah's POV:
I knew something was odd to why my mother had brought me here but I know my self that there's nothing wrong with me my mom brought me to this psychiatrist he looked like he was in his 30's or so but I did not care I wanted to know I could my mother bring me here but either way, I'll prove that there's nothing wrong with me

Leah: "Okay"

Jake: "Right then let's begin"

Jake: "When did u start seeing things "

Leah: " was at the hospital when in swear I did see a girl but when I went near she was crying blood"

Jake: "Ok interesting, so did u see anything besides that which had happened at the hospital"

Leah: "Uhh...not that I can recall anything that has happened recently"

Jake: "Ok well I have some questions I need to ask your mom so u can wait over there"

Leah's POV:

I can't believe this my mom would go so far for a stupid incident ugh.

Back in the room~

Jake: "Right this way Mrs Veneesa"

Jake: "So did your daughter have any strange behaviours or such?"

Vannesa: "Yes, she did she killed her cat and told me that there was a girl and she did not kill her cat I was so confused "

Jake: "Ok I'll maybe phone you tomorrow, for another appointment"

Vannesa"Ok then thanks for your time bye"

Jake: "No problem take care bye"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2020 ⏰

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