Forever Alone

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It was a bright and sunny day. I remember driving away from my house, which I have lived in forever. It was all gone as if it never existed. But now we are starting a new life, in a new city. The car slowly stopped in front of an old house with odd proportions. I was happy to finally get out of the car, I was tired of my sisters complaining and asking "Are we there yet?" 

My little sister Elizabeth took my hand as we walked out the door. The wooden planks creaked as we walked on the porch. My dad inserted the little keys to our new quiet house and opened the thin door. We dragged our bags into the living room, where I saw a ragged sofa that had moth eaten blanket. My mom sighed. "It's just temporary, until we find a new apartment."  

As my parents unpacked downstairs, my sister and I race to choose our room. We went down a narrow hall, but only to find 2 bedrooms. 

"You girls are sharing a room for now," my dad said. 

I looked at Elizabeth. 

"Dibs on the top bunk! And don't touch any of my stuff!" I said. 

My sister just stuck out her tongue and threw her rainbow backpack on her bed, releasing her many stuffed ponies.

A few hours later, after having unpacked and rummaging through our things, it was night. Elizabeth was already asleep as I climbed into my bunk. I lay down on the soft bed and a few minutes later I felt my eyes slowly close into a peaceful slumber. 

Thump... Thump... Thump... 

I woke up, trying to go back to sleep. I continued to hear that noise, it rang in my ears. 

Thump... thump... thump... 

I sat up in bed and looked at the time. It was almost 4 a.m. 

"Liz, do you hear that?" I whispered to Elizabeth. 

"Elizabeth?" I looked at the bed below me, to find it empty. 

She didn't even bring her favorite stuffed animal, Sir Sprinkles. Very peculiar. I climbed down the ladder as the noises got louder. 


It sounded like it was coming from all over the walls. It surrounded the house. I look down the dark hallway. My spine shivering, I could feel my heart pounding. This is when I saw her.

 "Elizabeth? Is that you? " 

Her silouette was grabbing something out of the wall. I walked towards her. She stood up.

" What are you doing!? " I asked. 

"I couldn't sleep because of the sound. It called me, so I followed." She replied. 

I looked at her for a second and shook my head. 

" What is that?" I pointed at the object in her hand. 

"Oh this? I found it in a crack in the wall! Isn't it cute?" 

She pulled out a dirty rag doll. It was extremely dusty and poorly sewn, the seams protruding from its side. It was made of a white fabric, but now it had looked yellow. The eyes were black buttons and every rip and tear was sewn up. How could she touch this dirty doll? I shrugged my shoulders and returned to our bed, the noises no longer continuing.

The next morning I woke up alone in my room. Elizabeth had already woken up. I changed into a skirt and plaid shirt. I went into the kitchen and had some cheerios and milk for breakfast. Elizabeth was drawing and scribbling on a piece of paper on the living room floor. I sat on the new sofa that we installed yesterday, and I was glad we did because there was no way would I sit on the disgusting old one. While I was eating, I noticed Elizabeth still had the doll. 

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