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( this is before kipos borrow was destroyed...!)

I blacked out worst time possible too.

There was a mute quake...

Where am I?

Too bright...

Where is everyone?




It's been a few days..

Wait is that a town?

Looks deserted.

The windows are destroyed.

I'm so hungry..

It's to hot here.

What was that?

Oh my god!- * BAM*


It's been a few days..

I'm in a forest..

I found a store...

There was food..

I'm not hungry anymore.


It's been a month..

I found supplies and a backpack..

I'm doing good?

I can't tell anymore..


It's been a year.

I have a stable food and water supply!

Though Scarla Maine is hunting humans..I call him scar for short..

Do I count as a human?

I don't remember...




It's been three years...

I'm 14 I think....

Today's my birthday!....

...mom and dad would celebrate...

                                                   My names Charlie...and I don't think I'm human...

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