Chapter 22

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It's the day of the party and I woke up late! Agh I'm suppose to arrive at 10:00 sharp! I quickly do my morning routine and head off to work.

"Morning!" Taylor says

"Why are you always in a good mood?" I ask

"Because your always in a bad one" she says

"Haha funny! Now I gotta get to the party see ya later" I say and we wave goodbye

As I walk into the party room it looks so cool! The merch table with all the LEDs, the stage lit with neon colours and bottles of wacky string ready to be sprayed on everyone.

"Ah Isabella! There you are!" Rebecca calls "I need you to check to see if everything is set!" She asks me "okay"

Decorations, check!

Neon lights, check!

Stage set, check!

Now I just gotta check up on the performances and o2l.

I walk into the backstage area and see Chris
"hey Chris!" I greet

"Hey! You look great!" He says

"Oh thanks! You too! Good luck today!" I say

"Thanks! Oh and Uhm... Wanna meet up after the show?" He asks

"Yeah sure!" I say

"Great see ya later" Chris says

Live performer, check!

Trevor and Ricky song disc, Check!

Now for O2L and facing Jc

Knock knock

"Come in!"

"Hey guys! You ready for the meet and greet?" I ask

"Yeah! Oh and we invited a few friends is it okay if they join us for the meet and greet?" Jc asks

"Yeah, have fun today! Bye!" I say

Okay everything is ready. As I was about to go tell Rebecca that everything was ready someone pulls me into the janitors closet.

"Hey! What the hell!" I yell

"Keep it down!" Sam says

"Sam! What are you doing?!"

"I saw what you and Jc did"

"Look Sam I-"

"Save it! If you don't want Lia to find out do what I say"

"What? Do what you say? Really?"

"You don't want to be at fault for Lia and JC's break up do you? And what about their fans? What about all the hate your gonna get? You don't want that do you?"

Why would sam do this to me?

"Fine. What do you want"

Then and Now- A Jc Caylen FanficWhere stories live. Discover now