Chapter 2

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I'd driven on and on straight for about three days, sleeping in my truck cab. I'd seen some pretty cool things and realized I had barely even seen the country I lived in. Wyoming had always been my favorite place, and it still was, but now I felt the need to go explore more later on in life.

Zion was becoming restless now, and I couldn't blame him. Only walking for a few minutes a day was also weighing on myself as well. I was relieved when the skyscrapers finally crossed the horizon, and my heart began racing in my chest. New York City. I'd only seen it in pictures from Katie and online, but now I was actually here. And for an entire summer.

I hadn't realized exactly how hard driving in the city could be until I was actually barely moving and could barely make a turn, scared I'd misjudge the room I had and hit an expensive car that I couldn't ever afford to pay back.

Finally, I made it to central park and found the trailer parking, letting go of the breath I'd been holding for the last half an hour. Who needed to breathe, right?

My timing was exactly on point. 10:45. Way to go me. I stepped out of the truck and breathed a sigh of relief, slumping against my door and looking around in awe. I never in a million years thought I'd be standing in central park, much less about to unload my horse into their pasture.

I stared around at the high rise buildings and felt my heart leap in my chest. Is this the New York effect? Because I was high on life right now, and I loved it. I didn't even have time to think of the slight ache in my chest from missing the lowlife guy that had hurt me.

"Lacey Rhodes!" An unfamiliar voice called my name from behind and I turned, looking across the truck hood to see a lady with long red hair coming towards me, holding a clipboard. She was young, and sporting heels with trackpants. And she somehow made it look good. I thought of how ridiculous I'd look in heels, let alone with an outfit I couldn't pull off.

"That's me." I replied with a nervous smile, stuffing my hands in my pockets and meeting her halfway. I outstretched my arm and she took my hand and shook it. "Katie's bragged so much about you! How good you are with riding, and all your championships!" She threw up her hands and shook her head. "Where are my manners? I haven't even introduced myself!" She seemed so preppy and outgoing, and it was odd to me. Everyone in Dalton were always pretty laid back. "I'm Poppy! I'm kind of the 'supervisor' here at the stables." I chuckled when she air quoted 'supervisor' and nodded my head. "Well, Poppy, it's super nice to meet you." A nervous chuckle escaped my lips and I looked around. "Do you know where my sister is? I'd love to see her." Poppy stood on her tiptoes and peered into the trailer at Zion.

"She told me to tell you she'll be out soon—She's with a new client! A sweet little girl wanting to look all the ways of rodeo riding." She winked at me and I smiled. "I'm sure he's ready to get out and stretch those long legs! May I?"

"Oh, sure!" I nodded, unlatching the door. Even with her perfect heels, she stepped into the trailer and took Zion's lead and led him out. "I'm going to put him out in this pasture right here with our other two geldings, Stormi and Jellybean." Jellybean; that was a new name.

I allowed her to take my horse and watched as she released him into the pasture. She gasped as he took off at a full canter, throwing his head up with a happy whinny. "Well look at that! Such a handsome boy! I see why you brought him." Poppy laughed, placing a hand on her hip.

Zion was in fact gorgeous, with his sleek black coat rippling over his powerful muscles as he ran. He had a perfect white black that went all the way down his face, and two white socks on his rear legs. Part of me was concerned leaving him here all alone.

"So are they always alone here? The horses?" I asked her, latching the trailer back up. "Oh no, dear!" Poppy looked offended. "There is always a security guard overnight here. Has been for near twenty years now!" Relief washed over me and I nodded. "Okay, that makes me feel a lot better."

"Lacey!" I recognized Katie's voice and spun around, a grin replacing the concern on my face. She ran to me and threw her arms around me. She squeezed harder than she should of, but I was comforted by my sister finally being so near to me. "Oh I missed you! I'm so happy you're here!" She released me and held onto my shoulders, her eyes down a quick scan down my body.

"You've gotten skinnier! What do they feed you in college?" I noticed my sister had gained some weight, but in all the right places, and I suddenly felt a slight twinge of jealousy. She also had a slight tummy, but I wasn't going to ask the thought that popped into my mind, for fear of offending her.

"At first, good, then the cook there quit and everything became disgusting." I wrinkled my nose thinking about the dry mac and cheese and dry chicken.

Poppy chimed in, "Well here you've got the best pizza in the country and some of the finest restaurants! You'll never want to stop eating." She tossed me a smile and leaned against the trailer. Katie nodded, "She's right. I have a surprise for you tonight, too!" I suddenly became very curious. "Just wait till I get off work. Ryan should be here any moment to pick you up and take you back to the apartment."

Ryan was her fiancé, and I knew him very well. He'd lived with us for a few months and became like a brother to me already. "You need to rest, sis. You look so tired." I nodded my head. I was pretty tired. Surprisingly, making a cross country trip made you quite weary.

"Oh, there he is right now!" Katie flagged down a red Lexus that I recognized as their car. Poppy chimed in, "By the way, tomorrow you can come give me your riding interview!"

"Sounds good." I said to her, grabbing a few bags out of my cab. "Hey, Lacey!" Ryan got out of the car and took my bags from me. "Long time, no see, Ryan!" It was good to see him again. He was dressed in a fancy suit, and I assumed he had taken a few hours off work. "Alright, Lace, go home and Ryan will show you your room, okay? Then get some rest. Help yourself to some food, too, you're probably starving!" I really was. I'd barely ate the last few days.

"Alright, see you at the apartment!" I called to my sister as I climbed into the passenger seat. I waved goodbye to Poppy as we drove away.

"Well, Lacey!" Ryan started, tossing me a smile. "Welcome to New York City!"


i've driven across the country and let me tell you it is TIRING!! poor Lace </3 if you liked it give it a vote and leave me a comment, guys!

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