
30 4 1

Emergency, clean up in aisle four
Her hearts sank down to the floor
I'm afraid she's stuck
She just won't move
Her little demons
Have been set loose

Emergency, clean up in aisle three
He stood where he wasn't supposed to be
Frozen in fear
Of the pure unknown
Wretched lies
Have set the tone

Emergency, clean up in aisle two
A young couple spoke of the things they'd do
The naive innocence has just begun
They danced together and had some fun
Tomorrow will be better, the lady said
He smiled and asked for her hand to wed

Emergency, clean up in aisle one
The young girl played and had fun
Picking roses by the thorns
Giving the monsters their little horns
Beware of creatures in the next few aisles
They'll all be hidden for a while.

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