Chapter 1

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Today was so boring I had nothing to do . I wanted to go out but my anxiety told me not to but it's okay I'm use to it . I hate my life so much I've never really wanted to live . I know it's so sad but I don't really care anymore.
10:00 am
I woke up feeling like shit like always but I wanted to go out today .
I ate breakfast and started to get ready . I put on this hot red suit and a pair of black jeans. I actually felt sexy for once . I got in my car and drove .
20 mins later ....
I found a clothing shop . Everything there was so hot and I bought a lot of things hahah but very hot.
* walking out of the shop all of a sudden you bump into a girl with blue eyes and blue hair she was so hot *
Y/n : I'm so sorry hahah
Billie : oh it my fault so sorry
Y/n : noo it's okay it was my fault
Billie : you look good can I have your number
Y/n : ummmm .....
*your thinking about it because you don't know her *
Y/n : yeah sure
*you put in your phone number *
Billie : oh yeah my name is Billie by the way
Y/n : oh okay my names is Y/n

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