The Twisted Prince (WattpadDisney)

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The tree quivers as the young prince scrapes his antlers against its coarse bark. With each thrust of his neck, his horns sharpen, and the tree's groans merge with his father's words in a discordant echo.

As Prince of the forest, you must always remember to uphold the balance. This is the key; without it, we will cast a darkness from which we cannot escape.

For seasons, he had followed his father, making sure to fit his hoof-prints. Followed his words without question, even as they watched countless creatures who called the forest their home perish. Some to fire and storm. Some to diseases. But most of all, to humans.

To the humans' easy disregard for life. Their insatiable thirst to destroy and dominate.

The muscles in his neck tense with the memory.

The pop.

His mother fallen.



His head and ears snap at the crunch of leaves. He breathes a sigh of relief when he sees the familiar gray and white fluff of his friend, his one true loyal friend left in the forest.

"What's the news, Thumper?" he asks.

The spry rabbit hops onto the log. "They're camped in the north clearing near the Cliff."

The prince straightens his stance and looks to the north, as if he can see through the spaces between the trees and into the clearing. "How many?"



"All three carry."

"Hounds?" The prince looks to his confidant, whose feet twitch on the log.

"Five." Thumper's voice takes on a coldness, with an undeniable excitement hovering along the edge. "Easy enough to take 'em to the Cliff."

"Now or never. You in?"

"Always, Prince Bambi."

"Don't call me that," he says, already on the move. "Drive the hounds away."

"On it," Thumper replies, maneuvering through the forest ground.

Keeping the clearing in sight, the prince settles behind the tree off to the side, waiting.

Before long, he hears the light thump on the ground near the opposite tree. He takes a calculated step onto a twig. The humans turn their heads. Another snap. The human heads whip to the opposite direction. Then, another snap. The humans raise their poppers and move in unison.

In midst of the confusion, the humans don't realize they've been herded between the trees.

Uphold the balance...

His father's words lose their grip on his mind. Because he isn't here anymore. Just like his mother.

It's time to take back the balance.

The blood of rage boils within him. It fuels him.

With a plunge, a shrill scream pierces the still forest air.

Pops zing past his ears. Keeping his head low to the ground, he darts to the next. Another plunge. More pops. One nearly hits his hind. Then, a final plunge.

The prince stands over the bodies and snorts to force out the sickeningly warm metallic scent clinging to his nostrils. He looks up just in time to see the sun sink below the horizon, taking with it the forest's light.

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