Jackson Wang

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The stars were glistening in the sky. There were no traces of clouds or rain. Just two lovers lying on a small blanket, staring into the sky. Since it was a warm summer evening, maybe the last one they'd ever spend together, they could lie there all night, not bothering about the cold.

Jackson and her hands were entangled into each other. Her head was lying on his chest as he stroked her hair. 

"I want to live in a big city someday, with all the lights and the parties.", she stated. 

Jackson chuckled. "I thought you always wanted to live in the suburbs? That the city was too loud for you?"

"That was true. But then I remembered how lonely I would feel. Can I be lonely in a city full of people?" 

Jackson was able to hear the pain in her voice. He wished he could take it away from her. But he couldn't. There was also nothing he could have said, to make her feel better. Even though he knew, that she wouldn't be lonely. She would find someone to live with, to have children with. If he had said that, it would mean letting go. And he wasn't ready to do that yet. 

"You won't ever be alone. I'll be there, even if I'm on the side of the world." His fingers traced her soft skin, wishing he could hold her forever. 

"I want us to live in the suburbs, with a dog and two children", she boldly said. Jackson laughed, keeping her close. 

"I want a pool. In the sommer I can always wait for you there. You'll come home late and the food will already be ready. Isn't it great to have a husband that cooks for you?" 

She shook her head, closing her eyes. "Our poor children. You really can't cook, Jackson!"

"Hey!", he complained, "I can learn it. I've got plenty of time because I'm a free artist."

"And I'm a movie producer at a cool company, working on cool movies."

Silence spread across her parent's garden. The tears started to stream down her face as she realized that none of this could ever workout. The college didn't accept her. Jackson was never gonna be a free artist. And he could never be her husband.

No matter how much both of them wanted to be together in the future, they couldn't. Even if she went with him, they could not get married. His job wouldn't let them.

"Do you have to go?", she whispered into the dark, hoping he didn't hear.

"I already signed the contract. They're waiting for me."

"But Korea is so far away and you can't speak the language."

She couldn't stop the tears anymore, making Jackson regret his decisions. His heart hurt. Both of them knew this day would come. They just didn't want it to.

"I'll learn it. If we're famous then I'll come back here on tour and visit you, promise." 

"I don't want to stop you. I know that this is your dream and I know you'll make it big but there is just one thing I'm asking you to." 

He already knew what it was, that she wanted. And he knew that he could easily give it to her because it wasn't hard to do. It was easy.

"Don't forget about me. And if you want me to, I'll be waiting for you, always." 

Instead of saying anything, he just kissed her. Her soft lips on his was something he was gonna miss. She was what he was gonna miss the most. None of them wanted to break the kiss, afraid that it might their last. So they put everything they had into it: passion, sadness, silent goodbyes and love. They loved each other deeply. And if it wasn't for the sake of his career, they had ended up together in the suburbs. 

They were each others "The One", each others love of their lives. But sometimes the right people meet at the wrong time and no matter how much they love each other or how much they belong to one another, they won't end up together. Fate is a funny thing. 

They were gonna tell their children about the other, when their partners weren't in the room. A piece of them will always love them, miss them and they will somehow always to belong to each other, hoping they'll meet again.

"If you look at the stars and you see one brighter than the others, I want you to know that this is me, thinking of you, giving you a sign."

..... and from that day on the stars always reminded her of him.

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