Chapter 10

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Aizawa paced that room, passing back and forth in front of the couch in Nezu's office. The animal himself was seated calmly at his desk, sipping tea, and carefully watching his distressed employee.

"Are you sure?" He asked, gently.

"I am positive. He practically told Bakugou that he knows All For One, and what's worse is that man is the one that saved Midoriya."

All Might had already heard it, but hearing it again still brought a shiver down his back. "Maybe he was talking about someone else?"

"Denial will get you nowhere Toshinori." Nezu addressed All Might with a small smile.

With a deep sigh, Toshinori Yagi sipped his own tea, setting the cup down shakily on his saucer.

"Maybe we can use this to our advantage. Perhaps, if we can manage to persuade Izuku Midoriya onto our side, he can give us information on All For One. Perhaps -"

Aizawa plopped himself on the couch beside Toshinori, "You didn't hear the way he spoke about him, Nezu. The boy would give his life for that monster, it will take a lot more than sessions with Ms. C and kind words to turn the boy against him."

"Hmm... "

"Uhm, I understand that there is a lot going on, but can I ask why I am here?" Present Mic was standing in the corner of the office, eyes darting around the room, his mind deep in thought while hearing the conversation. "I just don't understand what it is I can do to help."

Nezu simply smiled at the blonde man, raising his tea to his muzzle. "You and Aizawa are going to be with him in the press box for the Sports Festival, you already spend more time with the boy outside of the classroom since you are his escort most days, we want you included in everything. Perhaps, if he can get used to you, trust you, he can be swayed."


It was all that needed to be said. Aizawa stood, motioning to Present Mic to follow. Together, they left the room and made their way through the empty hallways of the school.

"Y'know Hizashi," Aizawa spoke, addressing the blonde-haired hero beside him, "If you don't want to do this, you don't have to."

Hizashi Yamada was quiet for a moment, something that was abnormal for the hero that always enthusiastically yelled his words. "I know this, but it is something that must be done, right?"

Aizawa nodded, eyeing his friend. "Indeed."

Back in the office, Nezu poured another cup of calming tea for the skeleton of a man in front of him. "I'm sure we can get him on our side," Toshinori mentioned, bowing his head slightly in thanks to the animal in front of him.

"I am confident we will. It will take time and it won't be easy. In fact, I am almost certain he will betray us many times before he will truly see the light we have to offer. But, that doesn't matter. I do not care how many times he returns to All For One, we will remain available for him. He needs that foundation."

Nezu sipped his tea, gazing out his window at the setting sun. The sky was a beautiful dusty pink with oranges and rays of yellow. It was a beautiful sight that calmed both him and Toshinori. They both sat in comfortable silence, sipping their teas and gazing at the sky as it darkened significantly as time passed.


"Do we wake him?"

"Is he even coming to the sports festival?"

"C'mon! He's not that bad of a dude, just knock on the door already!" Denki whined from outside the doorway. Izuku sat up in his bed, sweat glistening on his skin as he was pulled out of a nightmare from the whispering on the other side of his door. It was a nightmare he hadn't had in a long while, one that used to replay over and over in his head even when he was awake. His mother's death, his first murder, the day his life flipped to the other side of the coin. He held his head in his hands, taking deep breaths to calm the pounding in his heart.

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