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Obviously Oikawa and Leo had the idea and they dragged the others with them if they wanted to or not

Warari, Iwaizumi, Aries and Aquarius chose which room you'll use

The first ones to start singing were Matsukawa, Libra, Saggitarius and Pisces

The ones who succesfully got away from that by shoving food into their mouth were Scorpio, Kunimi, Capricorn and Virgo till Taurus, Kindaichi and Hanamaki got them away from there

Gemini, Cancer and Kiyotani were making bets over who'd sing the best

⇢Leo and Oikawa had a hard time finding Kunimi and Scorpio since they ran away right when they came through the door

⇢Aquarius and Watari somehow messed up something so they were trying to hide it from Iwaizumi and Aries with comments like: "w o w that's such a great room", "DaYum we're lucky we didn't mess up anything rIght?"

⇢Matsukawa was showing off making Saggitarius accidentally on purpose hit him so they could take the lead

⇢Capricorn and Virgo didn't stop for some time and everytime someone talked to then they shoved more food into their mouth and ignored the person

⇢Cancer and Kiyotani got into a fight over who'd sing better while Gemini was standing there looking at Iwaizumi like: 👁👄👁👌 while mouthing 'I got this man' clearly lying

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