Chapter 3

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Jay's P.O.V.

I woke up first out of all of us so I decided to get ready. I put the pillow barrier back up, and went to get a shower. After my shower I checked in the bedroom to see Thea basically curled up next to Kim. I could get used to seeing this. Wait what am I saying. I don't like Kim; I'm just grateful for all her help... right? Whatever, I can't think about this right now. I should go make breakfast. I did promise Kim breakfast. I get some fruit, and start to put together pancakes. They said that Thea can eat most softer foods as long as they were broken apart into tiny pieces. and to make sure that they weren't too cold or too hot.
"It smells good in here." Kim says from the doorway holding Thea who looks like she is a sleep haze.
"Thanks. I did promise you breakfast." I said smiling at them as Kim takes a strawberry, and then gets Thea's sippy cup to fill with milk.
Once the pancakes were done we ended up passing Thea back and forth, and sharing our food with her. She really was a happy kid when she wasn't tired. You wouldn't even know that she lost the one person that she was close to, but she probably didn't realize what was going on. At least I wasn't a complete stranger.
After we finished I volunteered to get Thea ready while Kim got ready into her spare work clothes that were in her ready bag. Getting Thea ready wasn't that bad. At least changing her diaper and clothes. Then came probably my biggest challenge.
"Hair!" She wanted me to do her hair. I don't know how to do hair. What do I use? I doubt you put hair gel onto a toddlers hair. I tried to figure it out. I was probably trying for about 10 minutes before a slight giggle came from the hall entrance way.
"You need help there partner." Came that voice from the hall. I turn around to see Kim standing there with her bag all packed up, and already taking out what I assumed was her brush.
"Hey T how about I do your hair?" She said as she approached Thea and bent down.
"Yea!" Thea screamed before basically bouncing on Kim which made all of us laugh before she turned around and sat right in front of Kim as if to wait. While they were doing hair I decided to go get the list and put Thea's bag together so that we had everything. Money wasn't really a problem because Intelligence paid well and I never really used money on anything that wasn't essential so I had a lot in savings.
After what seems like hours of shopping we finally get back. It's just about time for lunch. We ended up eating Mac n cheese for lunch. After that we played with Thea for a little bit before it was time for her nap. While she was napping Kim and I got started on putting everything together for her room which was only used as a spare room so we just put most of it in the hall closet.
Just when we were finishing up with putting everything together Thea decided to wake up. She wasn't crying like last night which is good. It means that she is getting used to the apartment. Kim has just gotten a call so I went to go get Thea. When I went into the room she was just waiting on the bed. I went over and picked her up. We then went back to her room where Kim still was. She was now off the phone and when we entered the room she gave a hesitant smile.
"There is no case, and Voight just called saying that it would be fine if you want to bring Thea around to meet everyone." Now I get why she was hesitant. It's not that I'm ashamed of Thea. I don't really know her yet. However, the team is going to find out sooner or later. It will help when I go back that it's sooner.
"Sure, let's do it."

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