Teeth Over Tea

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"My Lord Byakuya-Sama," Kalon greeted with humility, his spiritual pressure exploding in bursts so that Byakuya couldn't misinterpret his demeanor even if he wanted to ignore it. Like an overwhelming perfume pervading the space, Kalon's spiritual reiatsu oozes submissiveness, regret, and respect in equal quantities. When Byakuya walked in through the screen doors, his cousin was standing in the middle parlor room, a bare space designated as a meet and greet for guests at the Main House. 

According to the rules of hospitality, when a guest is received honorably, the room's space will be filled with accommodating seating and refreshments, symbolizing openness. If they are not welcomed, then the space remains bare during or before an audience. This signals to the guest that his or her presence is unwanted or who they wish an audience with is unavailable or doesn't want to see them without having to state one's displeasure outright. It is to the benefit of the gentleman or lady to have the opportunity to bow out gracefully and leave the manor without suffering discourtesy or loss of pride. Kalon would not be so easily dissuaded.

Byakuya was told by his servants that his cousin has been waiting for him for over an hour, and he told them repeatedly that he would be content to wait for days, standing on his feet or sitting on the floor in the parlor room, if that's what it takes to see him. Byakuya didn't put it past Kalon to make good on his word and do just that if he refuses an audience with him now.

Bowing at the waist in the presence of his Lord, Kalon continued to ooze grace and sobriety in his mannerisms. "Thank you for allowing me to be in your presence in light of the recent rift between our households. Your grace is immeasurable, dearest cousin."

This is one of the reasons why Byakuya hates Kalon. The man is stubborn to a fault and chooses to ignore the rules to get his way. When they were giving out Kuchiki stubbornness, Kalon made sure to get his portion and triple it. That aside, how can someone disguise their very spiritual pressure to match the tone in their voice when they don't mean a word? Kalon Kuchiki can paint his reiatsu to fit the situation, and none but a master in reiatsu perception can fine-comb out the duplicity. If Byakuya was not used to Kalon and his many faces, then he would immediately believe the man's sincerity; he's that good.

Others would have seen the bare parlor room and taken the hint within the first 15 minutes. Even if he had been waiting for the arrival of the Lord of the Manor, the servants are highly trained, and they would have at least extended the comfort of a cushion and a cup of water while he waited as the barest minimum. But nothing of the sort had been given to Kalon, and yet here he stands, bowing obsequiously in Byakuya's presence.

Byakuya sets aside his feelings of annoyance with his cousin and resolves to be pragmatic and quick in this situation. Whatever game Kalon is playing by coming to his home a day earlier than Byakuya would bother to consider him, has barely scratched the surface.

"You are early." Byakuya kept his tone impassive.

"And I'm lucky not to be thrown out on my ear for my presumptuousness." The man spoke lightly, straightening to his full height, his thin lips flashing a smile, but Byakuya kept his face stoney. "I took it upon myself to muscle my way into your manor, but only to beg for your forgiveness on behalf of my household. I hope the letter preceding my arrival was received without disapprobation."

"The only thing I find distasteful is the recollection of your father's ill-mannered and vulgar remarks." Byakuya said testily, "What could my late wife ever have done to my advisor in her life or in her passing to warrant such desecration? As a member of your household and a beloved son, you should be able to answer me that, at least, should you not, Kalon Kuchiki?"

"My Lord!" Kalon gasped in bewilderment.

"Are you saying that you cannot tell me this?" Byakuya pressed, his steely gaze penetrating his cousin's emerald eyes. "You are a representative of your household and the son of my agitator, yet you cannot answer my most pressing question?" The lord of the manor arched a brow, the only change in his facial expression since the start of this conversation. "Then what is your purpose here, Kalon Kuchiki?"

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