Bucky~ Mission [Fluff]

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edited by AmericasAsssssssss

It was barely nine in the morning and the yelling had already started, waking me from my peaceful sleep. I groaned and rolled out of bed, throwing on a pair of shorts even though no one would see them under my oversized shirt. Smoothing down my rat's nest of a hairdo, I walked out of my room to see what the whole commotion was about.

"I just don't think its a good idea to send both of them alone on the mission, Tony!" I heard Sam trying not to yell before I even got into the kitchen.

"Oh, come on, bird brains, what's the worst that could happen?" Tony scoffed.

"Oh, I don't know, he kills her, she kills him, they kill each other, they burn down the place? He can't  even be in the same room as her in the Compound, so why do you think they'll be just fine on a mission?" Sam yelled as I walked in the kitchen.

"I don't know what or who you're talking about, but personally, if I was on a mission with someone who couldn't stand to be in a room with me, I would just ignore them and do the mission by myself," I said while making my way to the coffee pot.

Tony smiled. "Good, then I hope that means you won't mind going on an information mission with the Manchurian candidate," he smirked  while patting my back.

You froze for a second as you realized who he was talking about, but quickly recovered. You went to refuse the mission before you remembered what you had just said. Blowing out a long breath, you turned back to face Tony.

"No, I don't mind going on a mission with Bucky, but have you bothered asking how much he'll mind?" I asked, turning back around to pour some coffee into a mug.

"How am I supposed to ask him when he only comes out of his room for coffee and plums?" Tony whined before spotting Steve. "Hey Capsicle! Do you think Bucky will get mad if he had to go on a mission with Y/N?" he asked in his normal cheerful albeit snarky voice.

Steve stared at Tony for a moment, "I actually think he'd be happy, believe it or not."

Tony gasped at Steve's statement. "Happy? No way, the Manchurian candidate doesn't even smile, and you're saying he'd be happy?" Tony said, a hint of his fangirl side showing in his voice.

Sam looked shocked as well. "Why would he be happy when he can't bear to be in the same room as Y/N?" he said incredulously.

"First off, ouch," I replied jokingly, grabbing my chest in 'pain,' "and second off, I probably just remind him of some girlfriend he had in the 40's. I wouldn't blame him," I said, a small blush on my face.


I walked out to the quinjet, Nat had told me that she'd be dropping Bucky and I in Kansas for this mission.

Tony handed Bucky and I files to look over. The mission was simple, go to Kansas disguised as a couple, get to our room, set up equipment and watch a building for three days.

The catch was we had to act like a couple: hold hands, call each other pet names, and all that other mushy romantic stuff. The issue with that was, we had to talk and not be awkward. That was going to be hard, since he barely talks to me and I can barely even talk about him without blushing. The crush I had developed for him over the past few months while working for the Avengers had done nothing but grow and it hurt knowing that he probably didn't return the feelings

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2020 ⏰

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