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Hey Bella I'm going outside for a bit.
Ok be careful it's kinda dark outside.
Wait take pepper spray with you just incase.
Ok thanks.
She really cares about me.
I had this "nude" pic I don't know if I want to post it on Instagram or insecurity said no.
Why did I even take that picture?..
Fuck if I'll post it.

Fuck if I'll post it

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Liked by lilhuddy and 3 472 583 othersSophie-

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Liked by lilhuddy and 3 472 583 others
Sophie-.smith "fuck it"
View 26 524 more comments
Bella.-Johnson pretty
lilhuddy so fucking hot
User473 need the shoes tho
October 3
I kept walking on this road on my way to some skating park.
I played agoraphobic with corpse while sitting the big ass ramp.
Took me time to get up.
I have such bad anxiety..
I start to cry a little cause of thinking about so many things or maybe there's no reason to cry it just goes out.
Going outside usually helps me but not this time.
I call chase.
What is it?
Are you busy?
No why?
You sure?
Sophie what is it?
I'm not feeling good.
Are you crying?
I don't know.
Yes you are.
I just want to delete that post I don't feel anything.
Baby..don't ur pretty.
Stop it.
I got it all out of me my tears went down as my mascara was all over my face.
Can we just talk the whole way home please?
If you want too, but please don't feel bad about urself Cmon Sophie your so fucking hot.
I giggled.
Back home
Chase I'm going to sleep now..
Bye bebe see you tmrw.
I need the call and went to Bella's room.
Hey Bella are you awake?
Mhm, Wait why are you crying?
I just don't feel good about myself.
Girl your so pretty.
Of course you would say that.
Ok Sophie I want you to listen to me.
Let's fix you up cause your mascara is all over your face.
Wait why-
Why?! Girl your not sleeping like that.
Ur right.
She cleans my face and we went back to her room.
So what now?
Change into this.
I- NO.
why not?
It's..nvm but why am I wearing that.
Telling you later just put the god damn outfit on.
Ok ok.
I went to the bathroom and changed didn't even look at the mirror.
Went back to her room.
Let's go to your my room mine is so messy.
Now I want you to look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that your beautiful.
I can't.
It helped me so it will help you I promise.
I go to the mirror and look at myself.
I can't.
Yes you can!
I'm...pretty I love myself..
That was the only thing you had to do.
I smiled.
Thank you Bella..
I'm always here for you but there's on more thing you need to do.
And what is that?
I want you to send a "nude" to chase.
What the fuck.
He's your boyfriend come on, it'll help you.
I guess..
Nice ok so first do you have a pic of yourself?
I- uhm yes.
K good first look if he's awake.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2020 ⏰

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