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My hubbies and I have spent plenty of time making love and I got pregnant again. When I told them about me being pregnant again they told me that we all three will be taking caution with this pregnancy and hope that its full term.

We were all scared but with the hope and encouragement we all gave ourselves and each other about this pregnancy the fear left and we just focused on our baby.


"What it's its twins?" Walt asks

"Then they will both be loved unconditionally," I tell them.

"What if its triplets?" Sy asks

"Well then it will be a baby for each of us and they too will be loved unconditionally" I replied

"Can you imagine triplets?" Walt says as he sits back and smiles.

"Triple the diapers, triple the formula if they dont breastfeed. triple everything" Sy says

"But they will be worth it," Walt says

"Of course they will" Sy confirms

"Whether this baby is only one, or if I carrying twins or triplets. hell even quads they will be loved" I tell them

When I said quads Sy almost looked pale.

"Whats wrong brother?" Walt asked

"Quads," Sy says

"What is wrong with four babies?" I asked

"I just can't imagine the pain that a woman would go through. and I really dont want to imagine the pain you would go through carrying four" he says

"if it meant us having a family like we want I'd do it in a heartbeat," I tell him

"And that is why we love you," Walt says

I looked at him and smiled before looking back at Sy.

"I know you would but I don't like seeing you in pain and knowing I am half the cause of it" Sy explains.

"I know baby"I assure him as I reach over and rub the top of his hand before slipping my fingers between his and hold his hand as I do the same with Walt.

"I am really enjoying this conversation about babies, and us having a family, it's really something I have always wanted to do but never got to for obvious reasons," I say

"Same here with us. no one wanted a detective that had crazy work hours" Walt says

"And no one wanted a military captain who was hardly home," Sy says.

"I'll take you both any day," I tell them

"And that the other reason we love you," Sy says

We sit there and talk endlessly about babies, our future, and what we hope will happen.


At work, my coworkers make sure I don't overdo myself and they make sure that I take things easy to prevent another miscarriage the best way possible.

My doctor makes sure she goes over every single important detail with me, Walt, and SY making sure we know what could happen, what may happen, and what will happen. She also suggested a few books and handed over some pamphlets for us to read so we dont go through this pregnancy blindsided or clueless.

She told us the more we know the more we can prepare for.

I got tickled when she used wired medical terms and Walt as well as Sy looked at her before I told them what she means.

"So glad I am married to a doctor who can explain medical terms that your using," Sy says to Dr. Mclean

She smiled

"Being married to someone who is a doctor has good outcomes. defining weird medical terms is one of them" Dr.Mclean agrees


A/N: I will be doing my best to update this story. Thank you all so much for waiting while I had this story on hold and writing other stories. 

Rylea's Chances at love (not edited) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now