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I immediately started tinkering with the mainboard. Fortunately no damage was done to it. A motor had it's tail snipped off. I couldn't decide if it was supposed to be a relief or a new headache. It was very fixable. But I needed a new motor. Which I didn't have in my arsenal. And had no guarantee to find it elsewhere.

Regardless, I had to head for the campus. I ran some phone calls on the way there. No luck.

Upon arrival, Rei and Willbur inspected the faulty motor. It was dead.

My friends were understanding of my situation and we decided to hunt for parts.

The original motor was from a old helicopter toy I had. The pair I scavanged from it was very lightweight and fast. Unlike any I had ever seen. I had used those two in many prior projects. And so I was bitter for loosing them.

Willbur and Light decided to stay back and show-off the broken train to interested pedestrians.

Me along with Rei managed to escape from the venue and sat down at the lakeside cafe. Rei brought out his phone and relaized his internet pack had expired. I didn't have a smartphone with me. So, basically we had only one choice. Which was to trust our guts and memory to navigate through the city.

Neither of us were bad at navigation. However, we knew we had a lot of maze like narrow roads ahead of us.

First thing's first, we visited some electronic stores gathering information. Most of these stores were just by the main road.

I checked my wristwatch. It was 11 am.

"2 hours."

I looked at Rei.

"2 hours then we give up."

"If our moms know this, we're screwed."

I nodded.

I brought out my notepad. 12 store names. Some pocket change. 2 hours. And the hopes of our teammates. One hell of a recipie.

I untucked my shirt, undid the button of my neatly done collar and started walking, fast.

Science Projects Are Nightmares. And I Love It!Where stories live. Discover now