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Hello, and thank you for your interest in my story! Just remember that the scenario in this story is no Monica or Tate, and Kayce is not fighting with his dad. He is 28, and still went to war for a little while. You all live on the ranch in the main house as a happy married couple. You are about 24 or 25. There is also some cursing (which you probably don't mind if you watch the show) and intimate scenes (maybe, I have to be in a certain type of mood to write those :)) Lee has stilled passed away. Also, I put in the name Lindsey just for a filler, but imagine yourself in this scenario! Thank you and I hope you enjoy the story!

P.S. I am no professional writer so I'm sorry for any grammar errors. 

Mrs. Dutton (Yellowstone) (Kayce Dutton)Where stories live. Discover now