Jaws (Final part)

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"Simple, we close down the beach!"Mal argued. She was allowed to sit in on these conversations, until Ben found a new Queen.
"But we can't!"someone replied, "It's the reason people come to Auradon! And summer is coming up, we need it to make money!"
"So you're willing to risk people's lives because you're so greedy and need your stupid fucking money?!"she retorted. Silence. Ben nodded with Mal.
"She's right,"he finally said. "We can't risk the lives of innocent civilians just because we need money. There are plenty of other reasons for people to come here, we don't need that beach. We will close it down for safety purposes, explain to the public why, catch the shark and with a little luck, we might even be done in time for the summer rush-"
"We can't catch a shark in only a week! We don't even have the right equipment!"the same person snapped, glaring at the young King.
"Well then we'll hire somebody. Somebody who knows what they're doing. Somebody who does have the right equipment." The answer was simple. Or was it?

Jay sighed, gently running his fingers through Carlos' hair as the younger slept in his lover's arms. They're children were at school, last week before summer break, and Jay had been let off work for the day to recover. Images from his nightmare flashed through his mind. There was no way they were ever going back to that beach, whether they catch the shark or not. They probably wouldn't even go to a beach in general. Leaning back, Jay closed his eyes and tried to rid his mind of the taunting pictures of his fiancé's bloody, dead body.

That weekend, the beach was announced closed until further notice. Jay smiled at the sign. Some people groaned, some people complained, some people even tried to tear it down, but the guards on either side prevented them from doing so. There was a small handful of people though, who were so happy to see the beach closed. This included Jay, Carlos, their kids, Mal, Evie, their daughter, Ben and the woman who's child was killed. There were also a few individuals who Jay didn't know, but he already liked them since they wanted what was safe, not what was fun. Protests began, people chanting for the beach to be reopened, but Ben stayed strong. He kept refusing to open it again until the shark was caught and killed, so he knew it was definitely safe.

That evening, Carlos watched on as Jay stood by the window, seeming lost in his own world. "Baby, what's wrong?"he asked, coming up behind his fiancé and wrapping his arms around his shoulders.
"Nothing,"Jay replied.
"No, I can tell when something is wrong. You know you can tell me, right?"
"I had a nightmare a few nights ago. You were killed in a shark attack. I haven't been able to get it off my mind since,"Jay finally admitted.
"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"Carlos questioned, confused and slightly hurt.
"I know you've always seen me as strong and stuff. I didn't want you to think I'm weak..."
"Babe, you aren't weak if you can't handle a shark attack. I know it's really traumatic, and it's gonna take a while for all of us to heal. But it's okay. I'd never see you as weak. You're my prince in shining armour." Jay smiled, turning around to hug his lover.
"Thanks babe,"he said. Carlos just buried his head into Jay's chest, hiding his grin.
"I love you,"his voice was muffled.
"I love you too, C."

They caught the shark and got it killed, allowing Ben to reopen the beach just in time for summer break. The VKs and their kids stayed away from it though, along with the woman who's child was killed. Lucky for them. Only two days after the beach reopened, another shark attacked, killing twelve adults (including Audrey and Chad) and six children. The people refused to let Ben close the beach, causing more deaths. But the VKs just watched on as the Karen's made fatal mistakes...

The end! Sorry for the dark ending and the long waits. I've been struggling quiet a lot, and this book is probably gonna end early, unless I make some super fast recovery. I won't be able to write as often due to school and homework, but I'll do my best. Again, sorry for the wait. Remember to stay strong, stay safe, I love you, and you're amazing! ❤️ Happy Halloween! 👻👻👻

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