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Scorpius wordlessly led me to Bathilda Bagshot's old residence. We came in through a window and started searching the messy, blood reeking home. We searched for an hour and a half, and we got it when we were ready to give up hope. 

The clue was, 

Rose and Scorpion

Where we met in the first year

you will find the next clue here

"Scorpius, do you know where the Hogwarts express is parked during the school year?"

"Lincolnshire, I think." 

I walked to the fountain in the middle of the square and muttered the Latin. We were in Lincolnshire when I opened my eyes. The shut down train was directly in front of us. We went in.

It was almost creepy walking through an empty Hogwarts express. I slid open the door to compartment 2a, where we met, and found a little piece of parchment. Scorpius and I silently read it. 

Rose and Scorpion, 

Where we went

To hide from our parents

Where we went

To explore the woodland


"Where is it?"

Scorpius muttered, "We hid from our parents in a forest once, the forest of Dean I think it's called...?"

"Once me and Albus explored the forest of Dean." I said. "Where is the nearest lake?" We searched on Google until we found a lake... It was fairly close. 

Five miles south of here. 

I groaned and said, "We better hit the road." 

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