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My eyes snapped open. Ahh shoot, I had fallen asleep. There were three problems left. Surely I could finish them before the bus came? I checked my phone. It was 6:15, and my bus came at 6:45!

There wasn't time to shower. I sprayed some dry shampoo in my hair and brushed it out, then threw on some jeans and a knitted maroon sweater. I shoved a Nutri-Grain bar down my throat and ran back upstairs. It was already 6:30. I had calculus first period, there was no way I could finish the work. I did one more problem then ran downstairs again to pack my backpack and lunch.

After throwing in half of a ham sandwich, a pack of cheezits, and a capri sun, I made my way to the bus stop. Rhett and Kai were already there, and Charlyne, another one of my close friends, had been out with some sickness since Monday. Hopefully she'd be back soon, end of year exams were only two days away.

I turned to Rhett and Kai, trying to break the awkward tension between us. Sometimes I wish my mom would just let me drive to school, but apparently her obedient, all-A daughter was untrustworthy.

"So... what are your plans for this summer?" I asked in a pleasant manner. Rhett looked skeptical, as if a senior interacting with a freshman was some sort of unholy sin. Kai just stared me down, her vibrant orange and red hair falling into her eyes. Feeling uncomfortable, I adjusted my backpack up to my shoulders.

The bus rumbled around the corner. This was the first time I had ever felt relieved by a big hunk yellow metal rolling my way. I made my way to the back and sat by myself. As the bus crawled from stop to stop, I began thinking how I wanted to arrange the photos I took last night. I was so caught up in my planning I didn't even notice the bus had stopped at the school until Kai 'accidentally' bumped into me. I scrambled out of my seat and hurried to my locker, where I quickly gathered everything I needed for my first three classes.

"Hey Nikita!" I nearly jumped out of my skin. Someone has snuck up behind me and tapped my shoulder. I swung around, my hair whipping into my face.

"Charlyne! You're back! I didn't see you at the bus stop!"

My friend smirked deviously. "Well," she started, inhaled sharply, and continued. "My mom is letting me drive to school from now own and I know you aren't allowed but if you really don't wanna ride the bus I can take you but I'm not sure if your mom will allow it-"

I cut her off. "Charlyne! It's fine, congratulations. And you know my mom is really overprotective."

"Yeah, but so is mine, and I'm suddenly allowed to drive for the last week of school? Something is probably up."

"It's probably fine. Nice job." I smiled weakly at my friend and hurried off to first period before Charlyne could speak again.

≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫

My calculus teacher, Mrs. Searls, prowled the room. "Everyone get out last night's homework. I will be checking it momentarily." My homework! I had forgotten about my homework! It was way too late to finish it now. Reluctantly, I pulled it out and laid it on my desk. Mrs. Searls approached me. "Nikita? Why didn't you finish the homework from last night?"

I didn't want to make excuses, so I told the truth. "Uh, well, I fell asleep after working on my college applications. I'm sorry, I should have prioritized better." Mrs. Searls nodded.

"I see, I see. Well, I'm afraid I'll still have to give you a zero." I nodded respectfully.

"It won't happen again, Mrs. Searls," I apologized. She nodded again, and continued on with class.

≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫

The next few periods went by in a blur. It was hard to focus on class when I had already dug so deep into my college applications. I wish that had been the only thing on my mind.

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