Chapter 12: Haven

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The team reunited and were facing a giant Grimm that was familiar to Ren and Nora. "EXTERMINATE!!" cried Gamma, but his ray gun was just stunning the creature. The Grimm was a horse with a weird humanoid figure fussed to the back. "What the hell is that?" asked Silhouette. "That is the beast that destroyed this village," replied Ren. The Grimm turned it's attention to Qrow, and Silhouette used the opportunity to shot it unexpectedly. Ren then used his semblance to hide Jaune and Qrow. Jaune then lifted Qrow up and carried him off to a safe distance. "Kathy," said Bendy, "You and Gamma protect Qrow, and move him if that thing gets too close." "On it," said Kathy. "I obey," said Gamma. Nora then unleashed a fury of grenades and the Grimm turned towards the others. Ruby attempted to slice, but she was grabbed before anything could happen. Ren then shot straight at the Grimm, who then grabbed his guns. "GUYS!" cried Jaune, "KEEP MOVING! GO IN A CIRCLE!" Those with projectile weapons kept shooting the Grimm from all sides. Jaune and Bendy then got close and slashed a leg. They were then kicked back. Jaune then put his sword back in it's sheath, and it became a thicker blade. "Man," said Bendy, "I wish I had that." Bendy then threw Excalibur at the back of the Grimm, and he pulled himself forward with his gauntlet. Bendy then removed his sword and kicked the Grimm in the back of the head. Jaune then came and slashed at the leg again. The Grimm was now PISSED! And it let out a cry and his back spines grew. Ren then ran to a tree and shot at it to get it's attention. Pyrrha then threw her shield at it, and she shot a single round from her rifle form. Soon, everyone was attacking from all sides. Bendy, Ruby, Pyrrha and Jaune then managed to pin it's arms down to the ground with their blades. Nora then jumped down, and she smashed the head of the horse. Ren had found a knife. The same knife from his father before he died. Ren then sliced the Grimm in painful ways, each one for his family, the people that died, and himself. Just then, airships came, and there were soldiers on board, and they helped treat to Qrow. 

They had made it. They were in Haven. In Atlas, Weiss, Alex and Esther were getting on a cargo ship that was heading to Mistral. "You okay if we come?" asked Weiss. "You and your Lien are welcome," said the pilot. In Menagerie, Blake was looking through a box, and in it, she showed Boris and Casper the original White Fang emblem. "So we're gonna restore the Fang back to it's former self?" asked Boris. "Yes," said Blake, "We are." On a ship to Mistral, Yang and Alice were with each other. "You think you can make the trip?" asked Yang. "Yes," said Alice, "I've had more than a child hold me up." On a train to Mistral, Mater and Oscar were looking at a poster for Haven Academy. "So that's where we need to go?" asked the truck. "Yes," said Ozpin. At Salem's castle, Cinder was shown Ruby and Bendy cowering. Cinder then held nothing back, and she burnt the illusion to a crisp. Qrow was feeling better and said, "C'mon you two, let's get the others to see Professor Lionheart."

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