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(Iam too lazy to put the name of the group it's the same as the first chapter)

Queenjane,greeneyes,canola,allysus, manibear, more

Canola: guys lets get to know each other some more cuz i like texting you all

Dinah,allynormani,lauren: awww we like texting you too ok iam in

Queenjane: ok where do you all live

Normani,ally: Texas

Normani,ally: ayyyyy

Canola : I live in New York

Greeneyes: dang it I live in Miami how about you Dinah

QueenJane : I actually live in Miami too

Canola: lucky you live in the same city as lolo Iam jealous

Greeneyes: it's ok Camz I only have eyes for you

Queenjane: Camz

Greeneyes: ya it's her nickname I have for her I call her Camz you all call her mila

Canola: aww lolo I love it

Manibear: ok stop being gay for a moment

Allysus: favorite food

Normani, Lauren,camila,Dinah : pizza

Allysus: ayy me too

Canola: why doesn't the rest of the group interact with us

Greeneyes:  no idea maybe they're very busy

Queenjane: ha we don't have school  it doesn't start now maybe in a month or so

Canola: me too

Greeneyes: me three

Manibear: me four

Allysus: me five

Queenjane: Wouldn't it be crazy if we were in a group

Canola: ha I would have left it

Greeneyes: and leave me behind 🥺

Canola: I would  steal you and take you with me

Greeneyes: aww Camz yaya

Queenjane: aww we got a camren moment guys it's so cute but rude

Canola : 😂😂 sorry Dinah

Manibear: but what would it be called

Allysus: crackheads

Canola: no it would be called banana squad

Queenjane: shut up canola it's gonna be called fifth harmony duh I can hear it from now the best girl group ever

Canola: too bad they don't exist

Queenjane: stop crushing my dreams

Canola: never

Queenjane: ok dude that's rude

Canola : sorry

Greeneyes: guys I have to go text you all later

Allysus: I have to go too iam going to church

Normani, camila : I have to hang out with my sisters

Queenjane: oh come on you all leave me alone Iam sad

Queenjane: ok you all really did leave damn ok bye


I will try my hardest and upload this story as much as I can I have 3 story's up my sleeves that I would love to share with you all I hope you enjoyed it or it made you smile

Words : 407

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